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Full Version: My FB Ads Skills+Your Business=$$$ -Leverage my advertising skills to get more profits!
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Pages: 1 2
I've been doing FB advertising from years now..From doing e-commerce, adsense, lead generation and so on!
I am looking for somebody who would benefit from my skills!
If you need more leads, more traffic to your (legit!!) business,you can PM me.

We can share % of profits,or you can hire me, it is negotiable.

PM me with description of your business,and what are you looking to achieve.
If you want screenshots of my results and so on, you can PM me.
pm'd you mate
Orion, check your PM, I replied.
Sorry to everyone who couldn't PM me ,I just cleared my inbox! Thanks.
I'm interested, PM details.
I'm interested, PM details.
@kohc004 you pm me details if you are interested, I said everything in the thread.
Doesn't seems reliable since OP does not answer pm's... This offer might not be serious enough. Beware.
I have a $6k+ eBay business, we can sell my products. $50+ USD profit per sale.

you will want to get onto this quickly. You know what to do, PM me!
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