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Full Version: [GET]Long Tail Pro Platinum v3.1.8
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mirror please
Thank you. I'll try it now
mirror please
(06-17-2016 02:10 PM)scorpio Wrote: [ -> ]
Since 2011, Long Tail Pro has been Battle-Tested by
70,000+ Marketers and SEOs


Mirror :

Virus :
Re odd KCs issue: since no Majestic account is needed anymore (TLP team handles it all), there is a possibility that odd KCs are a result of this app being nulled. LTP team might be sending random KCs instead of proper ones.
What do you guys think?

KC results are super odd and I haven't found any KC complaints other than on nulled forums...
I Found Odd KC Issues on legit facebook IM groups too.. They Might Fix it in Further Updates..
(06-22-2016 12:38 AM)smith789 Wrote: [ -> ]I Found Odd KC Issues on legit facebook IM groups too.. They Might Fix it in Further Updates..

That's a relief to hear. Thanks!
Thanks for the software scorpio...+rep.
But i have a problem after installing it. The rank checker worked fine but the software only generated "0" keywords for 2 hours.
My network is fine though...
Thanks Scorpio...+rep
The software only generated 0 keywords after 2 hours...but the rank checker works fine. Please, what can i do?Thanks
Thanks Scorpio...+rep
The software only generated 0 keywords after 2 hours...but the rank checker works fine. Please, what can i do?
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