11-21-2016, 08:41 PM
(06-16-2016 08:27 PM)chavala79 Wrote: [ -> ]"cocky attitude" first time to read this expression! Anyway, this product was promoted with a discount to my VIP clients BEFORE launching it on BBHF. If you don´t trust me, great, no problem: your money is in your pocket (or paypal account) just keep it there. I only launched this product because after my first BSO my clients asked for it. My first intention was to sell it ONLY to my clients. But since it was done, I decided to launch it as a BSO. This product was originally done for a closed circle of people (My clients), but I decided to make it public fro anyone who could be interested. That´s my the why of my "cocky attitude".
The definition of cocky is someone who is overly self-confident. Someone who is very arrogant and assumes they know all the answers is an example of cocky.
Not sure if this applies to chavala79.
Reading through the posts, he does come across as arrogant but as a past customer I don't think he is. I believe his replies are just self-defence, e.g. I am not a liar and if you don't believe me, go somewhere else.
But, I do agree that he relies on his reputation and honesty rather than on giving full details in his Ops and that is a shame as it is only through reading through the posts can you gleam more information.
The bottom line is that chavala79 is honest and reliable and if he says a system works, you can be sure it will.
I will pass on this one, simply because of the price - probably worth every cent, but with Christmas looming up, I need to be careful how much I spend.