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Sure there are lots of scam charities that pop up in social media and other websites. And the worst of the bunch use tragic natural disasters. But screen shots are the easiest thing in the world to fake - that proves nothing.

AntonVS does not need to prove anything in BBHF, after all his valuable shares and time giving to people in this forum. I believe it was very hard for him to even ask for help.

So arsul - I think you are NOT correct only in this instance. When the person asking for help is unknown, then you are correct to be prudent.

Anton - I cannot send more right now but will try before your August deadline. I posted this link in a coupled Skype groups organized for BBHF Group Buys, but I think that did not go very far. Sorry, but I don't know where else to ask.

I wonder if it is possible to re-create this thread in another area of BBHF? I think a lot of people just don't look here.
(07-29-2016 06:12 PM)arsul Wrote: [ -> ]smart way to get QUICK cash
i want you donate $470
but i need make sure
you are the person
who really need it
i mean attach some
screenshots like a
little proof of disease
take care BUD..

if people see a little proof
they donate more than 5
bucks believe me

im telling that because i see as many charity or other HELP CHILDREN donations
on facebook running by criminals now.. that's why we need proof before any action
we did let me know if im not correct guys..

Firstly, thank you very much for your willingness to help me.
Of course, junior member of our forum don`t know who I am. And your confidence is understandable.
Secondly, I'm not trying to defraud you of money, especially in such a vile manner.
I really struggle with cancer and needed help.
I can provide the following medical documents that are in my hands:
1. The discharge summary after the biopsy with the recommendation of further treatment in the oncology clinic;
2. A medical certificate from the oncological clinic with a diagnosis and recommendations;
3. The extract from the medical records of the passage of the treatment in Radiology Oncology Center with a diagnosis, duration of hospitalization, the description of the treatment.
My medical card with the most complete information is currently in Oncology Center.
To have no doubts that I downloaded them or painted them, I can shoot a video on smartphone and PM it to you.
I hope you know the Russian language, as I get treatment in Russia and all the documents in Russian. :)
Thank you again for your support.
God bless you.
Wow you are from Russia? I know perfect Russia cause it's my native language lol! So why you didnt tell me that, Anton? I thought that your are from ex-USSR countries but not from Russia. And just don't react on such bad guys cause they dont understand no one will joke with such of sick like cancer. And i sent message to some medicine communities which is helping to beat cancer for donations.
I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I will do my best to donate what I can soon.And I don't need you to prove anything. What I don't get Anton is you say you live in Russia. Don't they have in Russia some kind of social welfare services to help people that cannot afford those treatments? I just cannot understand how government office there would let people die without offering them some help. If I were you, I would start writing letters to all concerning government offices. There MUST be some institution or organization that provides help to people that cannot pay these treatments. Have you consulted anyone there? Have you written letters to government offices? I would even write to Putin (even though we know he is too busy counting HIS money and will not read your letter).
(07-31-2016 11:34 PM)Ricardito Wrote: [ -> ]I am so sorry to hear about your situation. I will do my best to donate what I can soon.And I don't need you to prove anything. What I don't get Anton is you say you live in Russia. Don't they have in Russia some kind of social welfare services to help people that cannot afford those treatments? I just cannot understand how government office there would let people die without offering them some help. If I were you, I would start writing letters to all concerning government offices. There MUST be some institution or organization that provides help to people that cannot pay these treatments. Have you consulted anyone there? Have you written letters to government offices? I would even write to Putin (even though we know he is too busy counting HIS money and will not read your letter).

De jure - I can get help in the oncology clinic is free - it is provided for by law. Indeed, something the government can pay for, but something that does not help you.
De facto - you have to pay, always and everywhere, if you want to get quality treatment.
High-class specialists work in Russia, but none of them want to work for a pittance. We have everything - high-class equipment, world-class specialists, the latest techniques of therapy.
But all this costs money, and a lot of money.
Ok, clear. That situation does exist in every country. Question is: Is the "quality treatment" the real one that helps in this disease? I mean, is the government paying for oncology services that do not help at all? And the only way to save your life is to pay the "quality treatment". I mean: treatment for cancer cannot have many, many variations. Radiation is usually provided by one kind of machine.There could be medicines that are more expensive than others. Yes. I know there are other things, but I assume the oncology clinic that the government covers should have the minimum to attempt what the "specialists" attempt. I may not have knowledge of all that is available for cancer, but there are not many variations of what common treatment can do and specialized treatment can do. And I would not stop the treatment that is offered by the oncology clinic just because I cannot pay the "quality treatment". Treatment is treatment and you give yourself a chance. No treatment is condemning yourself. I don't know, but I really doubt that in cancer, there is such a thing as quality treatment that can make a great difference and save the life. I may be wrong, though.
Anton, don't give up because you can only get the free treatment. Give yourself a chance.
dudes just ignore my message of course reputation member don't need any proof even it's newbie kind situation

need to be fully idiotic to make money like that, and GOD see everything every move counting ask him for help also

please provide more info about how to donate and how old are you dude

just think why life can turn this way.. maybe you do some shits with or for people

we have to help who how can.. im from russia too lots of people don't like ru

but we here for help this guy and each one SHOULD DONATE i see some on tv

that childrens with hard deseace asking for help 5million collect in just week or less

means people always willing
(08-01-2016 01:48 AM)arsul Wrote: [ -> ].. im from russia too lots of people don't like ru

Are you from Russia?
(08-01-2016 12:34 AM)Ricardito Wrote: [ -> ]Ok, clear. That situation does exist in every country. Question is: Is the "quality treatment" the real one that helps in this disease? I mean, is the government paying for oncology services that do not help at all? And the only way to save your life is to pay the "quality treatment". I mean: treatment for cancer cannot have many, many variations. Radiation is usually provided by one kind of machine.There could be medicines that are more expensive than others. Yes. I know there are other things, but I assume the oncology clinic that the government covers should have the minimum to attempt what the "specialists" attempt. I may not have knowledge of all that is available for cancer, but there are not many variations of what common treatment can do and specialized treatment can do. And I would not stop the treatment that is offered by the oncology clinic just because I cannot pay the "quality treatment". Treatment is treatment and you give yourself a chance. No treatment is condemning yourself. I don't know, but I really doubt that in cancer, there is such a thing as quality treatment that can make a great difference and save the life. I may be wrong, though.
Anton, don't give up because you can only get the free treatment. Give yourself a chance.

When I talked about the quality of the treatment that you want to pay, I mean not only the cancer, I mean any disease at all.
For example, you come to the doctor with a heart defect. The doctor said - drink of medication, may resolve itself. You say - this is nonsense, I will not live long. The doctor said - pay the money. I exaggerate, of course. But if you want to be treated by doctors who really know medicine - Pay. I think it's okay, I just do not like the prices.
Why our AntonVS is ACTIVE over at other Forum ? ( Sharing new stuff ! )

WOW Incredible !
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