I'm sorry to hear that.
You will be good, I'm sure
Anton...you are a valued member here. We all wish you well, cancer is such a terrible disease. I'm not a doctor, but have done a lot of reading and research on the disease, since my mother had early leukemia about 4 1/2 years ago. She is now a healthy and happy 82 year old. What I've learned in a nutshell is this...
1. Cancer loves sugar. I put her on a low carb diet, basically the Atkins induction diet. No sugar, alcohol, bread, pasta or starchy vegetables (corn, peas, etc).
2. Certain natural herbs help a great deal. In her case, with cancer of the blood, a tea of dandelion root, burdock root and yellow dock root purified the blood.
3. Tumeric (curcumin) is also very helpful in keeping the body fighting the disease, and she takes it daily with a bit of black pepper.
As I said, 4 1/2 years ago, she was getting blood transfusions and her hemoglobin count was below 80 (120 is normal). Her last checkup it was 144. There is no sign of the disease now, and she is back to a relatively normal diet, but still maintains the tea.
If this interests you, PM me and I'll explain in more detail.
I hope your fight goes well. Stay strong!!
Sorry to hear that. Stay strong and hope you will recover soon!
D@mn! :(
My deepest prayer for your faster recovery.
Almost all members here are praying for your recovery. and thank you for sharing what you have been going on. We wishes you the best and all prayer we could give to guide in times like this.
Thank You For Your Kindness and generosity. You have helped me immensely without even knowing my name. I pray the contrast you are experiencing gives way to greater light.
All of the best my friend
Stay strong and along with fellow members I pray for your fast recovery.
stay strong man. we are here to help you .