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Full Version: [GET] Yoast SEO Premium 3.1.2 (Not Nulled) (Updated 10 March)
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(03-05-2016 11:45 PM)pranavd2007 Wrote: [ -> ]Updated To 3.1.1

Please update to the latest Version. 3.1.2
Thank you for the share!
Can you provide the v3.1.2 - it fixes some redirect issues.
Very cool plugin if you need redirects
Updated to 3.1.2
Thanks pranavd2007 ! Maxx repulation.
Thank you, add rep.
(03-11-2016 01:41 PM)pranavd2007 Wrote: [ -> ]Updated to 3.1.2
Always beautiful BRO...Thx so much
Thanks buddy.
I downloaded it version 3.1.2 and after install it's still saying the version is 3.1.1. Even the readme.txt file inside says it's 3.1.1

* Plugin Name: Yoast SEO Premium
* Version: 3.1.2
* Plugin URI:
* Description: The first true all-in-one SEO solution for WordPress, including on-page content analysis, XML sitemaps and much more.
* Author: Team Yoast
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: wordpress-seo
* Domain Path: /languages/
* License: GPL v3
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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