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Full Version: [GET] Yoast SEO Premium 3.1.2 (Not Nulled) (Updated 10 March)
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#bizpartneer's way is working.For licanse box

Quote:!!! IMPORTANT (fixed bug T-vars / Thanks to damador and ghanchi2000 for advice)!!!
Users that have installed a previous version nulled by me AND have activate the licence following the below instruction...JUST DELETE THE OLD FILES OF THE PLUGIN AND UNZIP THE NEW ONE and all is done...


1: Open your phpmyadmin->your_database_name->table_prefix_options
2: Find the row: yoast-seo-premium_license (if new installation) or wordpress-seo-premium_license (if installed before) (generally at the and of table values, show 500 rows option to view this value at the end of table values)
3: Click Modify and insert: a:3:{s:3:"key";s:20:"00112233445566778899";s:6:"status";s:5:"valid";s:11:"expiry_date";s:19:"2050-12-31 23:59:59";} on the "option_value" column
4: Click Execute and enjoy the plugin without banners or asking for licence.

1: When install the plugin for the first time (never installed before) and plugin ask you to insert a licence key, just enter a number of your choice (just numbers)
2: After you inserted a junk number follow the steps up HOW TO ACTIVATE THE PLUGIN !!! (USERS ALREADY HAVE IT INSTALLED) from 1 to 4
3: Enjoy the plugin and have fun
(01-06-2016 03:20 AM)MomoLily Wrote: [ -> ]Again and again...thank you so much

You're welcome bro...
Updated To 3.1.1
Please update the link with nulled one. Links are not working.
(03-06-2016 02:02 AM)Sociable Wrote: [ -> ]Please update the link with nulled one. Links are not working.

Link is working fine...Can't Do anything if you dont know how to download...
thanks, add rep
Download link was Reported as Spam. Mirror please...
to null it remove following code

         * Display license specific admin notices, namely:
         * - License for the product isn't activated
         * - External requests are blocked through WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL
        public function display_admin_notices() {

            if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {

            // show notice if license is invalid
            if ( ! $this->license_is_valid() ) {
                if ( $this->get_license_key() == '' ) {
                    $message = '<b>Warning!</b> You didn\'t set your %s license key yet, which means you\'re missing out on updates and support! <a href="%s">Enter your license key</a> or <a href="%s" target="_blank">get a license here</a>.';
                } else {
                    $message = '<b>Warning!</b> Your %s license is inactive which means you\'re missing out on updates and support! <a href="%s">Activate your license</a> or <a href="%s" target="_blank">get a license here</a>.';
                <div class="error">
                    <p><?php printf( __( $message, $this->product->get_text_domain() ), $this->product->get_item_name(), $this->product->get_license_page_url(), $this->product->get_tracking_url( 'activate-license-notice' ) ); ?></p>

            // show notice if external requests are blocked through the WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL constant
            if ( defined( "WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL" ) and& WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL === true ) {

                // check if our API endpoint is in the allowed hosts
                $host = parse_url( $this->product->get_api_url(), PHP_URL_HOST );

                if ( ! defined( "WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS" ) || stristr( WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS, $host ) === false ) {
                    <div class="error">
                        <p><?php printf( __( '<b>Warning!</b> You\'re blocking external requests which means you won\'t be able to get %s updates. Please add %s to %s.', $this->product->get_text_domain() ), $this->product->get_item_name(), '<strong>' . $host . '</strong>', '<code>WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS</code>' ); ?></p>



(03-06-2016 08:39 PM)damador Wrote: [ -> ]to null it remove following code

         * Display license specific admin notices, namely:
         * - License for the product isn't activated
         * - External requests are blocked through WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL
        public function display_admin_notices() {

            if ( ! current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) {

            // show notice if license is invalid
            if ( ! $this->license_is_valid() ) {
                if ( $this->get_license_key() == '' ) {
                    $message = '<b>Warning!</b> You didn\'t set your %s license key yet, which means you\'re missing out on updates and support! <a href="%s">Enter your license key</a> or <a href="%s" target="_blank">get a license here</a>.';
                } else {
                    $message = '<b>Warning!</b> Your %s license is inactive which means you\'re missing out on updates and support! <a href="%s">Activate your license</a> or <a href="%s" target="_blank">get a license here</a>.';
                <div class="error">
                    <p><?php printf( __( $message, $this->product->get_text_domain() ), $this->product->get_item_name(), $this->product->get_license_page_url(), $this->product->get_tracking_url( 'activate-license-notice' ) ); ?></p>

            // show notice if external requests are blocked through the WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL constant
            if ( defined( "WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL" ) and& WP_HTTP_BLOCK_EXTERNAL === true ) {

                // check if our API endpoint is in the allowed hosts
                $host = parse_url( $this->product->get_api_url(), PHP_URL_HOST );

                if ( ! defined( "WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS" ) || stristr( WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS, $host ) === false ) {
                    <div class="error">
                        <p><?php printf( __( '<b>Warning!</b> You\'re blocking external requests which means you won\'t be able to get %s updates. Please add %s to %s.', $this->product->get_text_domain() ), $this->product->get_item_name(), '<strong>' . $host . '</strong>', '<code>WP_ACCESSIBLE_HOSTS</code>' ); ?></p>




Oh oh my bro...thnak
(03-06-2016 08:30 PM)falcon73 Wrote: [ -> ]Download link was Reported as Spam. Mirror please...

All mirror creating sites have been blocked by chrome,If You worry about that so much then get your a** out of this thread and buy the plugin...
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