08-08-2011, 12:03 AM
Untold Story of the Plug and Play Copywriting World...
You won't win any awards by writing the most perfect, well-crafted piece of sales copy. The best award you can possibly win is where you get paid a lot of money for writing profit-pulling sales copy in a short amount of time.
Problem: You aren't super motivated or super inspired 100% of the time, and when that copywriter's block hits, you need to apply step by step systems.
You're in luck. "16 Copybombs" contains over sixteen "bombs" you can drop on your copy to make it stand out from the crowd like no other sales letter can. Including...
Four New Openers
If you can't grab your prospects' attention within the first few seconds, you've lost them. That's simply a fact, especially on the internet, where your viewers probably have multiple windows open. The right attention-s****** headline, killer subheadline, and action-packed deck copy is crucical if you want people to even read halfway down the page.
* The Second Best Thing opener: Keep your visitors guessing and wonder with the exact phraseology to use!
* Rodney Daut Reverse Example Selection Technique (R.E.S.T.) -- never run out of the perfect stories for your sales copies and avoid mismatched metaphors... for good!
* How to leverage the expertise of others... and sometimes yourself... to make your credentials look more powerful than they actually are (while still telling the truth!)
* The exact way to leave your prospects and viewers hanging on for more while getting your point across FASTER at the same time!
Four New Offers
Hint: You can write bad sales copy but have a decent offer and still convert. If you can morph your solution into the perfect offer that excites and teases your prospects, you've already written half your sales copy. For that reason, I've got four ways you can EXCITE your existing offer...
206 MB Total
NOTE: The videos come in two formats. The 4th Video in Windows Media Format will say it is corrupt. I used WinRAR to open these, do the following:
If you don't want to do that, just watch the iPod video instead.....
Thanks Are Always Appreciated!
You won't win any awards by writing the most perfect, well-crafted piece of sales copy. The best award you can possibly win is where you get paid a lot of money for writing profit-pulling sales copy in a short amount of time.
Problem: You aren't super motivated or super inspired 100% of the time, and when that copywriter's block hits, you need to apply step by step systems.
You're in luck. "16 Copybombs" contains over sixteen "bombs" you can drop on your copy to make it stand out from the crowd like no other sales letter can. Including...
Four New Openers
If you can't grab your prospects' attention within the first few seconds, you've lost them. That's simply a fact, especially on the internet, where your viewers probably have multiple windows open. The right attention-s****** headline, killer subheadline, and action-packed deck copy is crucical if you want people to even read halfway down the page.
* The Second Best Thing opener: Keep your visitors guessing and wonder with the exact phraseology to use!
* Rodney Daut Reverse Example Selection Technique (R.E.S.T.) -- never run out of the perfect stories for your sales copies and avoid mismatched metaphors... for good!
* How to leverage the expertise of others... and sometimes yourself... to make your credentials look more powerful than they actually are (while still telling the truth!)
* The exact way to leave your prospects and viewers hanging on for more while getting your point across FASTER at the same time!
Four New Offers
Hint: You can write bad sales copy but have a decent offer and still convert. If you can morph your solution into the perfect offer that excites and teases your prospects, you've already written half your sales copy. For that reason, I've got four ways you can EXCITE your existing offer...
206 MB Total
NOTE: The videos come in two formats. The 4th Video in Windows Media Format will say it is corrupt. I used WinRAR to open these, do the following:
- Select "Extract To" from the main menu at top
- Check the box "Keep Broken Files
- Extract them
If you don't want to do that, just watch the iPod video instead.....
Thanks Are Always Appreciated!