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Full Version: [GET] Robert Plank - 16 Copy Bombs
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All DL links not working. Could you please upload it again.

Thanks so much,
Doesn't matter the subject matter and these tactics can revive themselves and be reused ...
Please RE-UP!
Can anyone re-upload please
Can anyone re-upload please
nice share.....
Yeah, I'm sure that's why Robert Plank, one of the most successfull IM-ers in the history of IM-ing...

Let the domain expire and doesn't sell the product anymore!

Please, all you gravedigging, outdated thread-bumping, hard-drive filling, day-dreamers - continue to use OLD IM PRODUCTS! That clears the field for the rest of us!


(08-25-2017 03:57 AM)shekkie Wrote: [ -> ]Doesn't matter the subject matter and these tactics can revive themselves and be reused ...
Please RE-UP!
ArnieAbrams while I respect your shares ... your comment about why Robert Plank doesn't sell his one product any more ... has nothing to do with the strategy of his sales copy ... products come and go and have their lifespan ... what makes you think he hasn't replicated the copy for another product? Just saying. This is about sales copy ... which I am interested in seeing for myself if it still merits value.
Any Re-Up please?
Please, can anyone reupload?

Thanks a lot in advance
Please, can anyone reupload?
Pages: 1 2 3
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