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Full Version: [RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
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That's a great idea and +MAX REPS to ya'

Teachers are going to be stagecoach drivers and this whole stupid event just moved it along faster.

(12-03-2019 07:39 AM)casualtxtr Wrote: [ -> ]I enjoyed your rant. You make some very good points.

Homework is not only an imposition but it also directly creates conflict in the home. The parents become the 'baddie' enforcing the work. Or worse, are labeled 'negligent' should they fail to do so.

My parents were both educators, my ex is an educator. I know that every year there were parents who would argue against homework, but none sued. Maybe someone should. Someone with a good constitutional lawyer. Or better yet, a class-action suit on behalf of parents and students, shouldn't be too hard to find parents and students -- and even teachers -- who will sign up for that (since a recent survey found that 37% of parents, 37% of students and 38% of teachers think homework is a waste of time (about the same percentage think it worthwhile, the rest are undecided).

If not an outright ban on homework (part of the 'idea' of homework is for children to develop independent work habits) , then a limit, say 40 hours per week of combined school time + homework time. Although, as the government wants kids participating in sports and the arts, perhaps it should be 40 hours maximum 'required' school time + sport time + arts time + homework.

Right now it is arbitrary, each school, each teacher has different ideas, at the very least there should be strict and enforceable controls so that teachers and schools can be held to account. The teachers' union won't like that. What is needed is a parents union.
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