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11-25-2015, 03:11 PM
Post: #1
[RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
Government control and brainwashing begins early and in your own home.
There is a lot of talk about making the bathrooms at the schools co-ed now. The students here don't seem to mind at all. So another WIN for public education and tolerance!! yay. There is a lot of talk about making the bathrooms at public schools co-ed now. The students in this pilot program don’t seem to mind at all. So another WIN for public education and tolerance!! yay. Schools are such a great place to create social change. Is homework legal? Obviously most people think that only an “idiot” asks a question like “is homework legal?”. So I guess, ipso facto, I must be an idiot to most people. And I’m pretty sure that’s actually a compliment. In all seriousness, if you just take a moment, I think you will see that it is absurd for the public to accept the idea that a government agent (the teacher) has an arbitrary undefined power to require you and/or your child to obey their orders in your own home any night without notice for whatever they care to dream up. Not only is that concept outrageous, it is scary to realize that people accept it without any question. First, just for the sake of argument, I will assume that the compulsory “education” laws are enforceable. And that is no small concession since I don’t see how in the world the state has any such legitimate authority to engage in something like that. Nor do I see how any sane person would ever entrust an entity as totally corrupt as the state with something as easily abused and as critical as the proper education of the citizens. But I will, to simplify things, concede it for this post. To begin we need to understand that under the “compulsory schooling” laws, the number of days is set, the schedule is set and the school day ends at a set time. It is all state action. STATE action. The state is not entitled to arbitrarily “require” that you or your child appear at school. They have to set a schedule, give you notice and the schedule has to be the same for EVERYONE. They can’t make YOUR schedule or your child’s schedule different than some other kids for some arbitrary reason. Do you see that? That is a very important thing to understand. The state can’t just do whatever it wants. Now that we have the framework, let’s look at what homework actually IS. It's not what you think. They aren't free to go, it's called work release. Like when you get homework. You know? Free to go? lol, I don’t think so. It’s called work release. You know, like homework. Sure you’re outside the walls, but you still have to keep doing what they say. Homework is an alleged claim by the state on your kids’ time and therefore their life. It requires that your kids stay under the control and direction of the state when they return home. It requires that they continue to do the “work” the state tells them to do. It requires that they continue to think about what the State tells them to think about. Next, homework is an alleged claim by the state on YOUR time and your property as well. You often have to buy supplies, or drive them somewhere, or check it or oversee it, or track it. Think about how many last minute “projects” you find out about where you have to go to DefCon 3 at 8pm just to get the thing done by midnight. When did you agree that the state was allowed to intrude into your schedule like this to whatever extent they care to? Next, these arbitrary state assignments called homework DOMINATE MANY EVENINGS and CREATE dissension between you and your family. Most people end up in a lot of arguments with both their kids and their spouses about homework and how to handle it. How in the world is the state permitted to intrude like this into your home life without your consent? Further, homework prevents you from being able to do what YOU WANT WITH YOUR OWN CHILDREN IN YOUR OWN HOME! Because your children have to spend hours completing the assignments they got from their state agents first, otherwise it may be too late, or they might be too tired and then they will be in trouble with the STATE. Homework varies from class to class, school to school, area to area, and teacher (i.e. state agent) to teacher. It is arbitrarily assigned by teachers you never agreed to in subjects you have no control over, using textbooks you have not consented to, in order to pass tests you have not approved, and somehow the state claims it has the power to impose all of this on you and you don’t even have a legal right to file objections and get a hearing? I don’t think so. Criminal defendants have more rights. It is absurd. I know, I thought the same thing. I mean these homework assignments don't seem to have much to do with the classes anymore. My math teacher is a tyrant! “Okay, I will, but I don’t see how this helps me learn algebra. These homework assignments seem to be getting farther and farther from the text book material.” When did the people give the state this incredible sweeping power? Where is the law that sets this power out? When was it voted on? What are the limits if any of this supposed “power” by state agents over your children and you? NOBODY HAS EVER AGREED TO THIS ARRANGEMENT. That alone should be enough to show you what a farce the whole thing is from a “legal” point of view in what you are told is a “democracy”. As a constitutional matter, the 5th amendment says there can be no taking of your life or property without due process and paying you a fair value. And what could be a more fundamental ESSENTIAL of true freedom than your time? Because what is your time? It IS YOUR LIFE. Same for your kids. Whenever the STATE takes your time and makes a demand on you they are taking part of your life. You may think, c’mon 5th amendment problem with homework? This guy’s a f’ing M****. Okay, well, can the clerk at the DMV arbitrarily decide to issue homework to YOU in order for you to keep your driver’s license? Why not? What’s the difference? We “have to be safe you know”, and he doesn’t think you are a “safe enough” driver. Do you see? There is NO DIFFERENCE. So how does an arbitrary 40 hours a week of homework sound to keep your drivers license while I get none? Give them any lip about it and they might make it 100. lol What is the legal difference between that clerk’s “right” to demand an hour of your time or 100 hours and any other state agent’s “right” to arbitrarily make demands on your time or your kid’s time? None. That’s what. And if you still don’t see the problem with homework let me ask you a few quick questions. Could a teacher arbitrarily extend her class for 2 hours? NO. Could a teacher arbitrarily extend it for even 15 minutes? NO. They couldn’t. Could the school day at just your school be “extended” by an hour arbitrarily? NO. Could it be extended for just a portion of the students for an extra hour? NO. Could the school or a teacher decide that the holiday weekend would be reduced by 6 hours of additional school on Saturday? NO. Could a teacher “require” that you come to the school at 6pm that night to “oversee” some project that the students were going to have to do? NO. Bad news man, one of the guards on Cell block 6 just extended your sentence by 3 years. Hold it, WTF? Can a guard just do that? Sure he can. He just did. lol. Bad news Legalman, one of the guards on Cell block 6 doesn’t much like what you have to say about state empLOYEEEES on that piece of Sh*t website of yours, so he just extended your sentence by 3 years. LOL. Maybe you can do a post about THAT! have fun you jerk. (Now do you see what homework is? A guard can no more arbitrarily extend a sentence than a teacher can extend its class.) But Homework is the exact same thing as extending the class or the school day. You just don’t notice it because you are habituated to the idea. You would be outraged if the school just “announced” any of the things I just asked, but you ACCEPT homework as “normal”. Do you now see that the STATE through its agents cannot arbitrarily just create requirements out of the blue. THAT IS NOT LEGAL. It is outrageous. Do you see how absurd the entire idea is that the state can issue Homework without YOUR PERMISSION when you step back and look at it? Surely something this intrusive is subject to the most severe “due process” protections and scrutiny, AT A MINIMUM! You have to get notice of the school schedule. But homework is not subject to any scrutiny at all from a legal point of view. NONE. In fact it isn’t even authorized in some specific law describing the parameters of its issuance. Quite simply, the state, through its agents (teachers) purports to have the authority to “extend” the school day or their class at anytime and in any amount that they arbitrarily decide to, with no notice, no right to complain etc. etc. It is preposterous! Are you starting to see the SERIOUS problem with homework? The principle of it is in complete opposition with FREEDOM and the requirements for state action. Further, what’s the point of “having” to give your children up all day to the state for schooling if they are just going to demand they continue to work at home to whatever extent they care? Would you agree to a school day that went until 830 every night? How about 10pm? NO? Well that is what HOMEWORK DOES to many kids. It is absurd. None of it makes any sense. Well can you just “not participate”? No, you can’t. There is no way to escape these absurd and arbitrary “obligations” the state imposes on you and your kid. Here’s how the scam works. They ‘require” your children attend school and “follow the rules”. Doing their homework of course is a part of following the “rules”. They must comply, otherwise they will fail, and then what? They are screwed, that’s what. Because the state sets all sorts of “standards” and requirements to be “licensed” or certified or accredited and that requires compliance with THEIR schooling requirements. Plus it controls colleges through grants and loans and more “requirements”. Which in turn control whether you are free to engage in all sorts of professions and jobs. Are you starting to see the picture yet? It is an endless web of CONTROL from cradle to grave. Any idea that you are “free” in such a system requires a serious re-defining of the word free. Now THAT is the only real lesson they want you to learn. Oh, so that’s what common core math is all about. Now it makes sense. I was really confused before. If your kids are not “attending” school or are not complying with the requirements of the school, then they will send CPS to check it out. That’s right, they send state agents to your house and demand you explain what you are doing with your own children. They demand you submit to an investigation and interview. IF you refuse, well, I hope you like prison. Ultimately, if you persist in your refusal or resistance, in all likelihood CPS WILL TAKE YOUR CHILDREN AWAY FROM YOU. THAT is what homework actually is when you boil it down. The total control by the state of you and YOUR child in YOUR HOME. And still, the people just take all of this. They act like it is somehow essential to “learning”. Oh it is about “learning” alright, LEARNING to obey authority without question. Yet still the brainwashed drones run around talking about how free they are. And they have rallies and hold meetings about how to “fix” the problems with public education. My god they don’t even see that the problem IS state sponsored indoctrination masquerading as “education”. What do they think the answer is to fix it? More state agents getting paid more tax money. lol Is it any wonder that those running this whole show have such contempt for the masses? I seriously doubt that you ever considered homework in the light I just explained. And do you know why you have never thought about it like that? Because the state deeply embedded a “compliance response” into you and everyone else in the culture, starting with your own “school” experience. So now you just “react” when given an “assignment” by “authority”. You might complain about the amount, or the timing, etc. BUT YOU NEVER QUESTION THE STATE’S AUTHORITY TO DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!! And THAT is what they want and Homework is one of the means of achieving it. Compliant people who just do what they are told. Like children. FREE MEN AND WOMEN question the authority of someone who purports to give them ORDERS! Slaves just mumble under their breath and COMPLY. Creating “people” who reflexively comply with authority is the MAIN PURPOSE OF SCHOOL. And THAT is why it is “mandatory”. HOMEWORK is a critical piece of that system because it controls you and your children subtly in your own home. I complained a lot in school about the rules. Here I am stuck in detention. They said it was for my own good. That I needed to learn to get along and follow the rules. Here’s an old pic of me in detention. They said that I was being disrespectful when I asked who defined what a “good citizen” was. Wow I look so much younger in that picture. State sponsored and controlled school has NOTHING to do with helping you or your children. It is THE OPPOSITE OF HELP. Ring a bell, change classes. Sit down, be quiet, repeat after me, learn what I tell you to learn… and on and on. Wake up. The state is not your friend it is your master. Do you now see what an OUTRAGE homework is? HOW DARE THE STATE INTRUDE IN SUCH A MANNER INTO YOUR HOME AND YOUR CHILD’S LIFE. Look, educating your children is one of the most important things anyone can ever do. But state sponsored schooling is the opposite of education. It has NOTHING to do with actually educating your child. Beyond just a system to create a reflexive compliance reaction into the people, the “educational system” also provides those in charge with a handy way to filter the population to find those people who are able to quickly and easily memorize and spew back whatever nonsense the government “decides” is “required” and who are really good at TAKING ORDERS WITHOUT QUESTION. Of course the “public education system” is also an excellent vehicle to create “social change”, think coed bathrooms, gender studies, laughable “economic theories”, how great government is, eco nonsense, anti-religious propaganda, and on and on. Yet still the people take it and ask for more. And I want to remind you that I didn’t even get into the details of what a f’ing JOKE the classes are in which the kids even have homework! The schooling doesn’t teach anything but politically correct nonsense and lies. The “mandatory tests” are a joke. The scores and results keep declining. Now there is common core. They don’t teach math, or rhetoric or logic, or real history or how to write a complex sentence or on and on. And on top of the useless nature of the underlying “courses” for which the homework is assigned, the homework itself is basically busy work that wastes their time and makes them associate “learning” with misery. Think how beneficial that is to the STATE who wants to control a bunch of drones. See there you learned something already! Now let's start putting that into practice Johnny. Sit down and take notes. See there you learned something already! Now let’s start putting that into practice right away Johnny. Sit down, be quiet and write down everything I say. It will all be on the test. Most people have never and will never see the realities I have just discussed. They will never think about homework as anything except something that they “have to do” or their kids “have to do” in order to “be a good citizen” and to “get ahead”. Most people are so truly lost in the maze. It is sad to me. They will live their entire lives inside the laughably blatant control system they were born into Yet never see it. And by doing so they doom their own kids to the same fate. And YET they get angry with me if I try and show them the truth. The only reason I even bother to write at all anymore is that I like to have a record FOR MYSELF just to be sure I wasn’t crazy. And maybe, just maybe, some people may see the truth. Because this much I know. Once you have seen the truth, you can never UNsee it. So to come full circle, I ask, is Homework legal? No, it is illegal. It is so absurdly illegal it is amazing that anyone complies with it all. I find it quite telling that nobody sees the actual nature of what homework even is. That inability to see it for what it is, shows just how far down the road the “people” are and how truly lost in the brainwashing they have become. It is sad that they have been reduced to this. Sad. Never forget, when the state tells you to do something it is seeking to control you. Period. So always question where the state gets the right to tell you to do anything. Including homework. Reasonable but firm. That is what free people are. Payback is such a great movie. Porter certainly was no slave. “It’s not $140,000.00 it is $70,000.00. You people are not listening.” Reasonable but firm. That is what free people are. Remember, Free men don’t take orders. They reach agreements. Slaves take orders. So here’s a little homework for you should you choose to accept it. Teach your kids about what homework really is and why the state requires it. It will be one of the most important lessons you can ever teach them. I’m done for today. I have to help someone with their homework, lol. Take care my brainwashed Brethren we have to stick together. I hope you learned something. Live in the light and tell someone the truth about the law.
11-25-2015, 03:32 PM
Post: #2
RE: [RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
I've always thought homework was anti-family. Many families nowadays have two working parents and school aged children. The school has the children all day every day during the best hours of the day, when they are the most awake and have the most energy. So then they turn around and assign several hours of homework each night as well. You've got two working parents who probably get home sometime around 5:30 or 6 and then scramble to get dinner on the table. After dinner there is an hour or two perhaps to spend time as a family before getting ready to do it all over again tomorrow. However, those hours are now spent with the parents having to help the children do their homework OR it's spent with the kids doing the homework and the family not spending any time together.
Sure, the kids might be able to do a bit of homework after school, but what if they need help? Most kids don't want to end a school day just to begin school again the second they get home. What kid wants to do that? So they relax for a bit and then it's evening. Yeah, homework is anti-family. |
11-26-2015, 12:12 AM
Post: #3
RE: [RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
(11-25-2015 03:32 PM)Nancy857 Wrote: I've always thought homework was anti-family. Many families nowadays have two working parents and school aged children. The school has the children all day every day during the best hours of the day, when they are the most awake and have the most energy. So then they turn around and assign several hours of homework each night as well. You've got two working parents who probably get home sometime around 5:30 or 6 and then scramble to get dinner on the table. After dinner there is an hour or two perhaps to spend time as a family before getting ready to do it all over again tomorrow. However, those hours are now spent with the parents having to help the children do their homework OR it's spent with the kids doing the homework and the family not spending any time together.Could not agree more Nancy. You bring up the important point of working parents getting their family time sucked away. +Max reps to you.
06-01-2019, 04:30 PM
Post: #4
RE: [RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
great points, would like to hear your stance on the vaccines and measles issue in the U>S>A
06-02-2019, 04:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 06-02-2019 04:07 PM by Lumos.)
Post: #5
There are many forms of enslavements - which is what you've brought up here, actually.
If one opens their eyes to them, there are MANY things in the current world which actually destroy that which they claim to be creating...and I will not get into listing them here as they are all too easy to see with eyes open (red pill time ?!?). Someone devoted to exposing such things is a presenter named Larken Rose - and he has a channel at YT. Another channel there which has much info exposing things is Truthstream Media. Another topic which is totally unknown to most folks is all the 'legal' vs. lawful stuff here in the US; few know the differences, and especially as they pertain to 'citizenship'. Too few ever realize that their early childhood indoctrinations programmed them to not even see their enslavements - and very, very few ever manage to exceed such programmings. I salute you for making this thread !!
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
12-03-2019, 06:31 AM
Post: #6
RE: [RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
Thanks for the post and the comments ladies and gentlemen. I have been into this line of thought for a while and it's really hard to spend too much time on it without draining an already taxed conscience. Life, family, culture and many more daily considerations can be hard and fast even though we are at the technical apex (that we know of), but I believe that's the point of it. Life itself is a form of enslavement when you "drink the kool-aid" or try to navigate the jello we call culture. I myself would be living like the movie "click" indefinitely if I had not taken a radical approach to restructuring my life.
I concur with you on your stance and think that homework should be at the very least optional (extra credit) in an already packed school and family schedule. Homeschooling seems to be the only salvation and to be honest, it is looking like a very good option. |
12-03-2019, 07:39 AM
Post: #7
RE: [RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
I enjoyed your rant. You make some very good points.
Homework is not only an imposition but it also directly creates conflict in the home. The parents become the 'baddie' enforcing the work. Or worse, are labeled 'negligent' should they fail to do so. My parents were both educators, my ex is an educator. I know that every year there were parents who would argue against homework, but none sued. Maybe someone should. Someone with a good constitutional lawyer. Or better yet, a class-action suit on behalf of parents and students, shouldn't be too hard to find parents and students -- and even teachers -- who will sign up for that (since a recent survey found that 37% of parents, 37% of students and 38% of teachers think homework is a waste of time (about the same percentage think it worthwhile, the rest are undecided). If not an outright ban on homework (part of the 'idea' of homework is for children to develop independent work habits) , then a limit, say 40 hours per week of combined school time + homework time. Although, as the government wants kids participating in sports and the arts, perhaps it should be 40 hours maximum 'required' school time + sport time + arts time + homework. Right now it is arbitrary, each school, each teacher has different ideas, at the very least there should be strict and enforceable controls so that teachers and schools can be held to account. The teachers' union won't like that. What is needed is a parents union. |
03-29-2020, 03:51 AM
Post: #8
RE: [RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
(06-01-2019 04:30 PM)strada Wrote: great points, would like to hear your stance on the vaccines and measles issue in the U>S>A I don't believe that things governments tell us to do are in our best interest. Vaccines/immunizations fall into this category in my opinion. Bypassing our natural immune system by mainlining toxins is not the best way to build immunity. Removing toxins should be the focus. I've done a ton of research on this. Just follow the money. Look historically at the countries around the world that have banned them at some points and then allowed them to be used again. Ask a doctor what the ingredients are in these things. I have never gotten the right answer yet. FYI: If you don't want to give them to your kids, don't make the mistake of signing any form they give you saying you refused their "care". You're admitting in writing that you're an unfit parent:)
03-29-2020, 03:53 AM
Post: #9
RE: [RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
Thanks very much!
Stay Strong and MAX REPS to ya' (06-02-2019 04:03 PM)smithnowt Wrote: There are many forms of enslavements - which is what you've brought up here, actually.
03-29-2020, 03:58 AM
Post: #10
RE: [RANT] Government Control and Brainwashing begins Early in your OWN HOME.
"Homeschooling seems to be the only salvation and to be honest, it is looking like a very good option."
I like your point and I left you MAX REPS . My kids are home doing their watered down BS online "schoolwork". Wouldn't it be great if all the parents said, "You know what? We're tired of your BS public school system that teaches our kids nothing and programs them in a negative way. We're not sending them back after this BS false flag event. We're keeping them home." The elite would shyte themselves. (12-03-2019 06:31 AM)ilikeseggs Wrote: Thanks for the post and the comments ladies and gentlemen. I have been into this line of thought for a while and it's really hard to spend too much time on it without draining an already taxed conscience. Life, family, culture and many more daily considerations can be hard and fast even though we are at the technical apex (that we know of), but I believe that's the point of it. Life itself is a form of enslavement when you "drink the kool-aid" or try to navigate the jello we call culture. I myself would be living like the movie "click" indefinitely if I had not taken a radical approach to restructuring my life.