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Guys, I've been writing Sales letters by hand. So far I've copied around 6-7 letters. Goddamn its a lot of work, specially when you consider that my writing speed is so slow :(

Those 6-7 letters have easily taken up around 12 hours of my time or maybe way more. I remember copying this letter by Schwartz, took me 3 effin' hours!

That said, I seriously enjoy it. I DO. That's why I'm committing to doing it every day. From every frickin' swipe file I can find. I'm gonna copy it all by hand until the day the doctor comes to me in the clinic, with x-ray reports in his hands, with this grim look on his face, looking at my plastered hand and shaking his head.

"You can never write again"

Proceeded by my wailing in terror and crying like a woman who lost her child.

Melodrama aside.

How can I get better at copywriting? Too many courses here. Too much info.

Anyone successful can guide me?(Note the word "successful," I only want GREAT advice please)

My writing skills are in their infancy. Copywiting skills I mean. Would be AMAZING to have someone experienced drop some wisdom in this thread, so that even those looking from the sidelines can benefit.

Thank you!
I'm a rookie or "wanna be" copywriter myself even though I am more interested in creating my own products rather than freelancing. I have written a few actual ads for a couple of real estate brokerages that I have been affiliated with in my day job as well as writing some video scripts. I have also created some copy for friend's businesses just to get some experience which I think is a good way to start getting some real life examples of your work and testimonials.

I've learned the most from John Carlton...his Kickass secrets of a Marketing Rebel and his swipe files are the best I have seen for creating "sales letter" info product copy. I have also noticed that many copywriting courses quote and rip off Carlton the most out of anyone so that should tell you that you are better off going straight to the source.

As for creating 'Magalog" and "Video Sales Letters" I have learned much from Clayton Makepeace.

For writing physical product ads I have learns much from Joe Sugarman's Adweek Book that you can get on Amazon for like $14.99 and from studying his swipe files.

Good luck!
My advice, learn only from the legends.

Start here:

Gary Bencivenga 100 Seminar:

Clayton Makepeace Quick Start Copywriting or The Ultimate Desktop Copy Coach.

Same product, but Quick Start have better quality.

Read all book from John Caples.

And you're done.

How about John Carlton, Gary Halbert and another legends?

Learn core first. And then expend to another.

~ Have fun.

PS: I don't know about you. But I believe if I really want to have breakthrough copy, do deep market research.
IMHO once you've learned the basics, just get out there and start writing and testing ads. Affiliate marketing or pay on performance ads or similar. You'll learn far more and far faster than doing course after course.

BTW I've never finished a copywriting course, however my first newspaper ad was a huge success and bought in many thousands and because it was pay on performance made me a huge hourly rate... :-)

Nowdays I usually just outline sales letters and leave it to my copywriters, as they do it far faster and better than I can...!
Thanks a lot for the input guys! Really appreciate it.

Ok, so I'll definitely check those courses out sean and megpite.
Thanks a ton for the pointers. I'll follow them.

Also, Animal yes I'm learning from this guy who has told me to write letters mostly and rely on writing and testing over any courses and all.

Both sound advices, I'll do both.

Before you do anything... and I mean anything!... just hear me out.

NOT doing so could ruin your copywriting career before you've even begun... costing your happiness, freedom, and even worse...

cause you to lose thousands upon thousands of dollars!

Ha, just kidding. Don't think you need anything more than the following:

This forum - particularly NonConformer and everything he (or she?) posts. +1 for Quasar too.
TheDrizzle and everyone else, MANY THANKS for the tips :)
Awesome threads TheDrizzle. Thanks a ton!

Going through them. Yeah I like what NC said about the downloading habit, its definitely screwed up.

But then again I've read like 6 books last month itself. I'm stopping at nothing now. :)

Great responses guys. Even pointers help a ton. Cheers!

I'm going to read all the books that NC put up. I was planning to make September my Gary Halbert 30 day challenge month. Looks like there's more information for me to go through though, plus it'll strike a nice balance between getting specific knowledge and getting knowledge that helps my life situation in general.
Niche yourself right down, by industry and deliverable. For example, webpage copywriting for the pet industry, or white papers for crm software companies.
That way you can become an expert quicker, stand out from the crowd and charge more.
Some solid advice here.

One other thing - get a hold of the Titans of Direct Response DVDs whether you have to beg, borrow or steal. It was a seminar held last year by Brian Kurtz of Boardroom one of the biggest publishers and long time direct response businesses. They had a list of who's who of copy and direct response marketing presenting. For over 14 hours, the copywriting and business gems poured out of the mouths of elite copywriters and marketers who each have decades of experience. It is pure gold.

This is not something you would need immediately, but absolutely worth the time in your first 6-12 months. First 3 months, if you're really keen.

One other copywriter you should check out. He's not mentioned as much as some others but his materials on copy are right up there - Robert Boduch.

PS. If you really did the things discussed in the Titans DVDs, 7-figures a year and more is not a long-shot.
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