(09-04-2015 03:49 PM)godisdog Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone successful can guide me?
It's simple.
You just need to commit to your own success and become a BBHF VIP.
Not only do you get access to far superior exclusive copywriting courses and resources (worth hundreds of thousands of bucks) in the VIP area, but you'll mix with a far higher calibre of people.
Just PM Lala and she'll sort you out. It's the best $50 you'll ever spend, and it's worth putting on another $20 as a tip for Lala.
With BBHF Super VIP, you'll never have to mix with leeching members again ;)
Haha @kirstie, I did PM Lala but she told me that all VIP spots are taken. Made me a little sad to be honest.
d***, I was hoping to get VIP too - shouldn't have hesitated!
Thanks a lot guys! Cheers to everyone who posted here. Let's make money!
yeah, lots of good info here - but the Nonconformer links are my favorite to go through.
Once you go through those books, you'll figure out quickly where all the other books and courses these days came from.
Whatever GOOD courses you go through, just don't go through them once. I suggest have 10 great courses/books and go through them ten times each.
It's much better than going through a hundred once.
Also, after you learn the basics, just start writing ads and send traffic to them. Test, tweak and make yourself you're own best client.
Clients suck, yes clients suck. I'm looking forward to firing them all and just sticking to my own stuff very soon. It's a good experience learning how to deal with folks ("winning through intimidation" is gold)
get out there, and don't wait too long. I was stuck for too long learning, until I grabbed my nuts.
just do it!
And also, I got burnt out writing sales letters, if you feel that way, just limit yourself to an hour a day. But stick to it. Works wonders.
Write... write... write... and write.
And then write... write and write.
That's how you become a great copywriter.
And when I say write - I mean write your own sales and ad copy, not just copy a bunch of sales letters. I don't know who started that trend of writing out sales letters by hand, but I think it's a crock of shit and totally unproductive. Hell, I can't even read my own handwriting and write slow as a snail.
But hey, if that really benefits you, well then, keep doing it and don't listen to me or anyone else. Do what works for you.
I would suggest you study Million Dollar Mailings and Breakthrough Advertising. You'll gain an incredible amount of knowledge from those two resources alone. Million Dollar Mailings will show you examples of copy that has produced billions in sales across all kinds of niche markets and Breakthrough will help you get a handle on the psychology of a market and help you get inside of it and help you guide a market. It's deep, so I suggest going through it a few times because you will definitely walk away with something new every time you read it.
Get physical copies and flip through them often.
Im wannbe copywriter.
i had been studying and writing some of the material that NC recommended. i feel like still lack of something.
Planning to look for mentorship and i dont have the budget to get one.
is there any budget mentorship can recommend me ?