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(07-19-2015 02:10 PM)MyBizCard Wrote: [ -> ]Zippy link to cut through some of the BS.
thanks mbc max reps i take my reps back as it is asking for email
Sorry guys, my bad ... I have not checked, because until now this guy never used a licensing system for his plugins.
I'll try to find a solution.
Message No Longer Available
Zippy link from "neeknus" nulled version.
Magic Button :

Looking good to me, well done

Max rep added
Guys and Gals,

First off - thanks to the OP for the post/share and Neeknus for the null.

For those of you who are cool with using v5.0 - that uses NO copyright protection (NO asking for the @#$% PayPal email crap) and still works, here you go...

This is v5.0 - no nulling needed. No PayPal needed. Should work fine 4 u:

Magic Button :

Hope it helps,

P.S. It should go without saying, but I'll say it anyway: DO NOT UPDATE THIS VERSION OF THE PLUGIN, OR YOU'LL HAVE TO ENTER THE PP EMAIL!!!!
I was looking for group buy to this just incase any OTOS so thanks for the share
DEmo video of Associate Goliath 5

Associate Goliath v5.1.5 - Latest Version

Nulled by Your Truly.. (My 1st time nulling a plugin) Tongue


Regards.. Smile
(07-21-2015 12:48 AM)inquisitor Wrote: [ -> ]
Associate Goliath v5.1.5 - Latest Version

Nulled by Your Truly.. (My 1st time nulling a plugin) Tongue


Regards.. Smile
Plugin seems to work ok unless I enable the Youtube API. Using the API I get a 403 error during the Schedule New Posts.
Still checking to see if I don't have the API setup right.

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