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Full Version: Help me to Decide between this two themes:
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Alright i am gona shop one of this two themes which i am interested on, and of course after i realize the purchase i gona share it with the community, Which one of them do you guys think it's better, looks better or has better funcionality, the options are the following:

The review:


Thank you any comment will be appreciated.
I'd say Chirps.
It's newer and much more highly rated.
At first blush, it seems more functional too.

All the Best and TIA for your generosity to share whichever theme you choose :-)
Thanks for your reply! Highly appreciated !

I like Chirps... its highly customizable magazine them makes it an exciting... there are added features which are necessary for any website which otherwise you need to know and install yourself... great theme indeed.
Your opinion guys is beign very helpful, Thank you very much. i almost made my mind up!

I wrote a response and changed after looking at Chirps again.

It would be great if you bought Chirps and shared it with us! I think Chirps is the first Magazine / Blog theme that is going to give Newspaper a run for it's money. Many people are going to want to try it because of the beautiful and modern layouts.

I had said that you could do a lot of the layouts in Chirps using "Newspaper" theme. Newspaper has granular customization of fonts and layouts, butI don't know how it compares in the Theme panel to Chirps. I like that Chirps has essentially the same layout options in Posts and Pages, while Newspaper focuses more on Posts than Pages. It would be likely possible to just duplicate the Post layouts and then just make them Page layouts, but Chirps has done this whereas with Newspaper you'd have to do this yourself.

You can use the Custom CSS plugin by Theme Junkie Custom CSS to tweak the CSS as well.

Let us know what you decide to do!
Appreciate every detail which you point above. I agree with most of them. However i still have a weakness towards the review theme. I'll make my decission in the next hour and update here. Either way, i think i'll take them both just one today and another one in the following weeks. Thanks everyone.

Between the two themes Chirpes would be my first choice, but there is another theme which is much better and that is Rehub. Just my opinion.
@howlyee - I haven't seen either The Review or Chirps around anywhere, but you can also find Rehub and Gauge ( for game review / product oriented sites )

@jolis - I think rehub is good for reviews / product selling, but the layouts are minimal / generic compared to Chirps / Newspaper. I don't like that the Rehub category layout is grid and doesn't seem to offer much layout variation options.

I like the looks of Gauge for a gamer / review theme
Yes, that's the problem i have with Rehub, It looks so generic like you can find a thousand which looks pretty much like it. And i love Gauge, tested it myself, in fact, The Review is the last theme from ghostpool (same behind gauge) So offers the same but in a way better looking and for more content besides e.g Gaming. My problem is, I LOVE the simple and clean look of The Review. But what Chirps has to offer is way too much compared to this last one. I made up my mind. Gotta shop Chirps!


Do you really think i can make chirps my own magazine about video games, movies and comics? That's my purpose! been talking with the author and they said they can help me a lot to make it possible!
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