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Full Version: Help me to Decide between this two themes:
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@howlyee - good choice I think. Especially if you've already tried out Guage. Maybe get The Review after ;)

I'd love to be able to get a look at Chirps and see how it compares to Newspaper.

The one area that Newspaper lacks is a sexy looking review / ratings component. I'm going to look around and see if there's a good review plugin to add onto Newspaper.
Oki, by the way reply to my last question if you may please, is under my last post about make chirps my own gaming/movie/comic magazine site. Do you think it's suitable?
I think Chirps is more modern / beautiful layouts than The Review. Chirps also does have a review system.
The Review like the Gauge has the subsections review / images /videos.

If the Chirps Developer has suggested helping in any way that's a bonus Imo. Definitely could be great for movie / comic mag site, but depends a bit on importance of ratings / reviews system.

I'd say get Chirps and see what the Developer can add for you, then decide if you want to use The Review or Gauge.
Yepp !! That's what i am gona do! expect an update here in a couple of hours with it uploaded! Thanks for everything!!

Cheers. Howlyee <3
pixelate I respect your opinion concerning the Rehub theme a lot. But according to my experience specially when it comes to the new versions, you can do a lot to customize the theme in order to get great looking results out of it-

I think you are making a good choice with Chirps - it looks "new" and so will continue to look newer and you can update it and change it a lot I think....wishing you the best with your enterprise
Alright everyone thanks for share your toughs about it. In the end i decided to shop both, First i am geting up the Review. In the following days i'll upload Chirps aswell. Enjoy and don't forget to rep and get me started in this awesome forum!

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Very nice theme indeed, but for competing with Newspaper by Tagdiv, you are wrong, and for 4 major reasons. 1. no support for woocommerce. 2. no support for buddypress. 3. no support for bbpress. 4. no visual composer. Those 4 things would keep me from using it. Looks are not all that important. They are important, but missing those 4 things I mentioned, especially when my website is using bbpress and buddypress, this would be a turn off theme for me.

No doubt it is one of the best looking themes on themeforest, but for features it lacks those 4 things. You might be waiting a long time for those too as I have read about buddypress and bbpress and woocommerce, is all depending on what the clients ask for in their comments.

Don't get me wrong about the theme I am currently using Magic Mag theme, but it still is no where near as good as Newspaper. The only thing holding me back from using it is no money, and their callback and activation issue for null of the theme. If they can actually stop the callback of the theme, then I would use it.

If you are specifically want which of those two themes mention only, then I say chirps and hope they put those major plugin support into it.

Excuse my grammar errors.
Did anyone purchase Chirps? I definitely would love to test drive it.
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