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Full Version: Free Tool: Submit Site to 15+ Search Engines
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Glad you all like it, be sure to confirm your listings using the email you used. Use a temporary or junk email address that you have access to so that you can verify the listings.
Small update made, be sure to use a trash email address to verify your listings or once you verify unsubscribe from the search engines to ensure you don't get their newsletters.
+ rep
Thank for share!
Thanks nowicandoall, it's still working and I use it to submit my backlinks (which have a pretty high success rate of getting indexed - just be sure to include some unique spun content to help it out).
hi and thank yoou for this nice tool rep added. im beginner in seo stuff. and i would like if you can explain me how to make backlink for my website from the beginner to the end step by step and how to submit with those backlinks by this tool and thanks in advanced
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