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Full Version: Free Tool: Submit Site to 15+ Search Engines
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hahahaha...d*** useless need google not more...and GG index you from have nothing to do..
@ityangus Just saw your message now. Whatsmyserp is a keyword rank monitoring site, while this is a submission service to a number of directories and search engines. You can use this tool to submit and whatsmyserp to monitor your ranks, they're 2 different things :)

@Zango no problem mate!

@progger submission to google might not be needed but there's a bunch of smaller niche search engines that still rely on users to submit their sites. While they might not drive major traffic, I get a small even trickle of traffic through these search engines - some of whom actually buy stuff and are less tech savvyy. :)

If you only follow what Google tells you and think that the only way to make money/traffic is through big methods, then you're missing out on a lot and good luck following/keeping up.
Thanks Dear, Nice List.
Good share thanks for thinking of us!
Nice share and thanks for this.
I already gave a try on it.
@einrel no problem, let us know how it went!
nice post thanks
Thanks a lot for sharing rep++
thank for sharing
Thanks LooseGoose! +rep
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