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(06-19-2015 04:41 AM)supercharger Wrote: [ -> ]
(06-19-2015 04:30 AM)hieu230592 Wrote: [ -> ]run it on Virtual machine or VPS


This will work.. or you could just buy it and support the developers as it is still one of the best ways to bank instantly with videos today ;-)


Repped you +5 Supercharger!

If you idiots are so worried about viruses, don't install this, mo.r.ons! Go BUY IT and stop whining about f*cking viruses and malware!

If you don't have $50 to get into the game, get the f*ck outta here! You DO NOT belong here or anywhere where there are a few real businesspeople making serious money!

You guys want to play musical chairs and games with constant upgrades to this software PLUS neverending YT algorithm changes with something you can makes thousands of bucks a month with?!

All you NOOB idiots really are DISGUSTING! Go buy the thing if you are serious about building your business rather than just f*cking around! Most of you as.sw.ipes will probably never even use this anyway!

You're too busy collecting all the free toys here to make any real money!


thanks for great sharings... with or without virus, i don't care so its really working...

Nice one Q.. you always brighten our day ;-)

Thanks, work!
Please can you share the manual? Thanks main man......errrrrggggg.... I am a fool. I actually needed that wake up. I got into that brain dead zone, DL'ing to the point of glut and then listening to the whiners that always land on these pages complaining about the same exact virus malware issues ad-nausium. I have usually not paid heed to the intrepid warnings of the lofty group of complainers, gripers, and more strangely the "warn'ers". I mean really, could it not be assumed for all WWW activity that viruses are abound and protect yourself and stop broadcasting alarms as if it were newsworthy or factual. Some are infected and some are mistaken,.....who cares. If it is news to you then as you say get outta here. On the sober side of this, thanks for the jolt. While I often buy the peddlers shovel, I was looking for the easy path and the salient point you gave me was, why play musical chairs with the inevitable endless progression of updates from a hacked time wasting point of view. Right on. That was all I needed to hear. Not as though I would not conclude that on my own. In this moment and this time I was not contemplating it and your gouging commentary was the work force needed to shake me loose from my dull-drum...went and bought it. Mind you I have every other Youtube analytical software sold by the peddlers in the last 3 years and I can not see any reason not to assume the latest offering easier and more competent than previous purchases. So onward I go...charge it, Paypal it whatever, always forward thinking and always in forward motion. If older purchases keep up so much the merrier. Still plenty of other items on BBHF to leech. Hat's off and thank you igydog
So we can null it, but nobody can mkake it a clean file!????
Awesome share OP!! +5 from me!! Working like heaven!! Cheers!!
upload here :
http://>>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<<
Computer virus alerts for this software
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