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Full Version: [GET Latest Version (Purchased)] CodeCanyon - Swift Security - The Ultimate WordPress Protection Always Update
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Thank you very much. max rep added.
thanks for this great share!!!
Thank you..
Warrior, thanks for the plugin.
AND HELP!!!! I'm a its victim!
Just installed om my blog, ausloggen and now - my login page NOT FOUND!!! I can't login into my blog again!

What to do?
I can delete it via ftp but the Swiftsecurity renamed all my plugins and did somewhat else...

Please help!
Now I disabled .htaccess created by the plugin and renamed the plugin itself and I can login But it is not a solution. How can I login using the plugin? Thanks.
thank you very much for this share , reps added :)
could you please share 31 Jul 2015 -
Current version =)
Please supply us with the latest update!!!

29 Aug 2015 -
[NEW] Auto updater
[IMPROVE] Supports WP Rocket minify
[FIX] Fix RocketSripts conflict
[FIX] Fix "No input filed specified" issue

Max Reps for sharing, more reps for the update!!! Please...
Could you please share the latest one ??
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