(05-19-2015 11:02 PM)caaol Wrote: [ -> ]Links Unavailable.
Reasons for this may include:
I have update a new download link, Please check post #1 for new link.
thanks for the update, max +reps.... It is odd that a VEX22FC.Webshell would be included in the file from the server. Did you contact them about this to ask them why?
(05-20-2015 02:14 AM)bimple Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for the update, max +reps.... It is odd that a VEX22FC.Webshell would be included in the file from the server. Did you contact them about this to ask them why?
No, i have not yet contact then for this issue, will sure do it and update the thread
(05-20-2015 08:06 PM)warrior Wrote: [ -> ] (05-20-2015 02:14 AM)bimple Wrote: [ -> ]thanks for the update, max +reps.... It is odd that a VEX22FC.Webshell would be included in the file from the server. Did you contact them about this to ask them why?
No, i have not yet contact then for this issue, will sure do it and update the thread
awesome, thanks much
thank you for the latest one repp added
plugin is clean, part of the protection is finding few known shells and antivirus is recognizing patterns of those known shells that plugin autor is using for searching, he need it in plugin to compare pattern against files on server.
Problems with blank screen are coming from minimizing js and css, sometimes themes are not compatible and all you need to do is to revert that step back.
Start with zero settings, and after each option save and check how the site is functioning, erase browser cache and website cache after each step so you are sure that nothing is messing with results. That way, enabling options one by one, you will be sure what is causing a trouble and simple - don't use that option.
Current version 1.4.2 - 20 Jun 2015
please update, thank.
bump it is someone have the latest one ??
Download link Update to latest version 1.4.2 released on 20 Jun 2015
Check out post #1