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Full Version: [Get] 500% ROI With Bing Ads
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!!!!!!!!! Review !!!!!!!!!!

This is a good course for newbies, unfortunately nothing new for me. The things he taught can be find freely at YouTube. Yes go and search Bing Ads Training, Bing Ad first Campaign in YouTube and you will find same info. Keyword part is good as he said the more keywords you will use the more cheap clicks you will get. First thing he is not doing good is he is going for broad match targeting in Bing. HE must go for Exact match targeting for each keyword for better results. He is not tracking any keyword, the manual way sucks.... he is going to see all 700+ keywords manually and will search for winning one and will delete the failing ones, Its a long and tiring process.

The 500% ROI claim is for a CPA offer, that offer is giving him $8 checkout for each lead. You can get a lot of better offers in MaxBounty and Peerfly that can give you $10 to $30 per lead. I will also suggest not to go above $30 a lead as the process goes more and more complex if you go high. Less than $30 a lead is always good to grab.

Overall i will say its a good moral boosting stuff for newbies, but do some more research before implementing. His words are not final words a lot of modification can be made to get more appropriate results.
Thanks for sharing here
++ Reps added
REP added. Thanks for sharing
What a nice guy..selling free content in $97
Hi thanks for your review. Can I ask how do you track all that many keywords to see which keywords are making your sale? Thanks!
(03-15-2015 05:28 PM)coolmirza143 Wrote: [ -> ]!!!!!!!!! Review !!!!!!!!!!

This is a good course for newbies, unfortunately nothing new for me. The things he taught can be find freely at YouTube. Yes go and search Bing Ads Training, Bing Ad first Campaign in YouTube and you will find same info. Keyword part is good as he said the more keywords you will use the more cheap clicks you will get. First thing he is not doing good is he is going for broad match targeting in Bing. HE must go for Exact match targeting for each keyword for better results. He is not tracking any keyword, the manual way sucks.... he is going to see all 700+ keywords manually and will search for winning one and will delete the failing ones, Its a long and tiring process.

The 500% ROI claim is for a CPA offer, that offer is giving him $8 checkout for each lead. You can get a lot of better offers in MaxBounty and Peerfly that can give you $10 to $30 per lead. I will also suggest not to go above $30 a lead as the process goes more and more complex if you go high. Less than $30 a lead is always good to grab.

Overall i will say its a good moral boosting stuff for newbies, but do some more research before implementing. His words are not final words a lot of modification can be made to get more appropriate results.
Thanks for sharing! About the reviews (thanks for that too) do you guys know of any other course/method to complement the info from this one? Appreciate any comments.
(03-16-2015 12:29 AM)jaddom Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing! About the reviews (thanks for that too) do you guys know of any other course/method to complement the info from this one? Appreciate any comments.
jaddom, i got a course for you.

Thanks for sharing.
nice share. Rep for OP
Thanks. +Reps Added
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