thanks for this marr nokia and raidernation 5 reps each for helping staying this alive!
Thank you for the share! Rep added
Thank you for the share! Rep added
Thanks for this share + reps added
(03-15-2015 05:57 AM)superideaz Wrote: [ -> ]dont get it...all the videos for the training are free on youtube??? so what exactly are you paying for then? unless I am missing something here.
All the videos are in private mode
Please don't try this at home!
It might work, to some extent the videos were good
and I like the way he teaches but....
how the heck do you run a ppc campaign and optimize it
with no keyword or conversion tracking?
You can't just start randomly deleting KWs
You need to know which keywords are converting and which
keywords are wasting your money before you can pause them.
This campaign either works or it doesn't there is no way to
optimize it and move to the next level.
Bing has conversion tracking and clickbank uses sub IDs.
Where is the tracking?
Nice share!!!! have been Repped...+++++++++
Thanks Nokia Bhai for the backup for everything thats shared here.
I haven't gone through whole course but I should say its a good course for newbies. Experience marketers may not find anything new to learn but those who don't know about bing traffic should watch these videos to get good overview.
mediafire link if anyone needs:
Nice share was looking for this!