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Full Version: [HELP] How to load WordPress site faster
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My WordPress site is loading takes more time plz tell me how to optimize this issue
take a look at Yoast Wordpress optimization guide.
mybe it's a server side problem, it's a shared hosting? Try a VPS maybe.
good hosting and also wp-rocket plugin to create css js minimified and gziped compression and cache static html files in order to reduce-eliminate database petition.
it depending your location and your server location
you can install caching plugin too like WP Super Cache
(02-15-2015 05:11 AM)diptafara Wrote: [ -> ]it depending your location and your server location
you can install caching plugin too like WP Super Cache

Hi, for locations issues, wp-rocket plugin can activate CDN for example CloudFlare (also wp super cache, but this plugin it's more complicated and almost the same results, at least for me).
The best cache plugin is W3 Total Cache. It's free.
Exacly how slow is it?

"I wish my site would load a little bit faster" = caching, minify css/js compress images (, etc

"my site is taking 20+ seconds to load" = a plugin or another script on your server is using up all of your hosting resources and your web host is throttling you. Disable plugins 1 by 1 to see which one is slowing you down
use this plugin

enable "Falcon Engine" for cache your site.

Thanks for the tip 8888post, reps
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