Please kindly upload for v.3.9.3 (Sep 10, 2016).
please update to v.3.9.3 (Sep 10, 2016)
please update v 4.0.0
Over 80 improvements among which:
1. Posts, projects, albums (and other post types) inner pages design overhaul. This ensures seamless layout and style integration with Visual Composer and its add-ons.
2. Comments layout and style overhaul.
3. Share buttons layout and style overhaul.
4. Categorisation, filtering, ordering and parination layout and style overhaul.
5. Brand new hyper customisable blog-list shortcode with 6+ layout options (you can have infinite variations really).
6. New theme options for:
- secondary text color,
- dividers,
- categorisation,
- top and bottom margins for pages, posts and templates.
7. Skins facelift + 1 new skin.
8. Theme Options structure changed.
9. Significant under-the-hood changes and improvements.
10. Other minor visual changes and improvements.