(06-06-2016 02:46 AM)isitmeor Wrote: [ -> ] (06-06-2016 01:19 AM)mposterz Wrote: [ -> ]can share New demo: Law Firm. and Old The7 v.2 update.
is that a question?
This is a request to share the full version of the template
All links are dead from the first post. Is there any chance for getting new? Thanks guys!
Yes I seen that. Thanks for that... I thought about the links from the first post with all content, not just the theme. I apologize for the misunderstanding, thanks!
(06-14-2016 07:32 AM)extranoski Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone has v3.8.1?
latest v.3.8.0 (Jun 03-06, 2016)
v.3.8.0 (Jun 03-06, 2016)
Jun 06 - added missing demo content.
1. New demo: Law Firm.
2. New: responsiveness options in Masonry and Grid type shortcodes.
3. New: backend layout overhaul for Masonry and Grid type shortcodes.
4. Fixed: issues with Facebook and Twitter share buttons on mobile devices.
5. Fixed: issue with Porthole slider icons on mobile devices.
6. Fixed: issue with invisible header/navigation on mobile devices when footer is disabled.
7. ru_RU language files updated.
8. Old The7 v.2 update.
9. Plugins updated to newest versions.
Other minor fixes and under-the-hood improvements.
I'm also looking forward to the new version.
Thank you!!