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Full Version: [3 Reviewers Needed] Adsense $1,000+ / Month [Investment Needed]
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I need 3 people to review my traffic product. The only investment needed is to pay for traffic, I will not be profiting anything. This product has to do with sending unique tier 1 traffic to your website and watching it convert like crazy!

What you need :
  • adsense account
  • website
I will be providing my secret traffic source for you to test, in return I will need a review and screenshots of any earnings that you made while using my product.

This traffic does convert extremely well and I can guarantee you will be making a profit.

You can shoot me a PM or email me at for more information.

*I am getting a lot of responses, please keep in mind there is an INVESTMENT needed to start this so if you do not have money please do not email me, thank you*
I am in, please PM thanks :)
Ok please let me be the first one to review it... awaiting reply... thanks in advance....
i am interested too if you want a review
i would like to teview it thanks
Interested if your still looking for people.
i am interested too.
I'll make a good review about your traffic product
i am interested. PM me
I'm interested..Let me know the details.
me too,if have any chance
pmed you
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
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