I will love to review this please.
This looks great but You only said 3 reviews so good luck, thanks anyways :)
I am interested. I'll help
Thank You
Any feedback about this, anyone done it and does it work ?
Bump!! Anyone got some review on the adsense thing..
(02-10-2015 09:29 PM)khawk1 Wrote: [ -> ]Bump!! Anyone got some review on the adsense thing..
I'd not hold your breath, he's not been on here in almost a month.
Last Visit:
01-25-2015 03:49 PM
Sorry guys been busy with a lot of new stuff. I am looking for 2 people. The previous persons on here were not ready to invest. add me on skype of more info. skype = mafai44
Please PM me, I've got an Adsense account, website and money to invest so would be very interested!