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Full Version: Crea8social 2.0 NULLED
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Script behaviour is not good in firefox browser.
If someone open crea8social and then open any other website in new tab.another website is also hanged for need to work on session.

Guest can easily access games by changing last number 124..123 need to login
Mail me list of vulnerability of script in I will forward to author to fix that.
Hello friends,
Please upload crea8social v3

Still not released v3. Where u have seen v3.
download it from here
(01-14-2015 03:55 AM)maurya Wrote: [ -> ]@rameshten

Still not released v3. Where u have seen v3.
see here: UPDATES
Version 3.0 [13/01/2015] New Features
Quote:[*]Added Predefined words to prevent usage in user fullname,username, and other useful fields[*]Changed mobile menu[*]Added option to enable https[*]Added option to select Timezone[*]Added option to disable/Enable page load fade effect[*]Added close button to send message through user profile[*]Added ability to upload games by members[*]Added Google social authentication[*]Added option to enable public post for new members[*]Added ability to create photo albums with other languages[*]Added ability to edit albums[*]Added timestamp to album photos[*]Added notification upon a post to a member wall[*]Mobile realtime checking of new events for notifications,messages e.t.c[*]Option to manage communities via admincp[*]Added ability to search for users at the admincp[*]Improved the game system against hackers[*]Added Option to set online status to online, busy, and offline[*]Added option to resend activation code by new members[*]Added option to ban/Unban a user[*]Added option to disallow access of members profile by guest @admincp ->configurations -> profile[*]Added Option to upload videos
Bugs Fixed
Quote:[*]Solved issue with likes translation on page profile
[*]Fixed issue with header dropdowns during getstarted stage
[*]Fix issue with external link reloading current page when click
[*]Corrected homepage members to latest members
[*]Solved issue with vimeo video share
[*]Solved issue with watched movie that support embedded codes
[*]Fixed emoticons not showing in messages dropdown
[*]Fixed issue with page break when left for long
[*]Fix issue caused when games is disabled
[*]Fix issue with comment form when trying to mention a member
[*]Fixed issue with socialauth pictures not showing from facebook
[*]Fixed issue with sharing of post from page posts to timeline
[*]Solved issue with back button in browser
[*]Prevented deletion of profile and posts photos album from user profile
[*]Improved photos in post
[*]Fix issue with non-activated members from been able to login
[*]Fixed auto like of pages by new members
download link for v3

both files are necessary.

update info
download it from here
Okay . Pm me for script.
download Link - - file

download link - - txt

Rep +++ Thanks!!! Cool
This is version 3? Has link says v2
(01-14-2015 06:13 AM)gigihack Wrote: [ -> ]download Link - - file

download link - - txt

Rep +++ Thanks!!! Cool
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