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Full Version: Crea8social 2.0 NULLED
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+REP Added
Boys have one problem with the site not visible on mobile devices?
for me only sees but can not do anything can not I login Mobile
what to do to work on mobile devices? thx
problem with script ??? need help
Guys do not use this script :) There is xss vulnerability .
this is true.
Crea8Social v.2.0 XSS Change Interface
any one have crea8social add on like chat box , URL shorten and more
No..this is not available. wait..don't use this script till next update.xss vulnerability will distroy ur website with in minutes.

Or don't activate game module.
i have a retail version not nulled. have u say retail version also have the same vulnerability .
Yes..there is no difference between retail and nulled version.this vulnerability is a part of original script.

Disable game module till next update or don't allow users to add games.
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