(11-06-2014 05:41 AM)kitty Wrote: [ -> ]I've been watching the REP situation and I've noticed that if you don't ask, you don't get any. That's why everyone always reminds you at the end of the post like this: If you find this useful, please add + REPS and look how sad that little 2-digit number looks. Thanks!!
WOW! Fantastic share... Thank you for sharing. Very much appreciated. Repped.
Thanks n Max (+5) Rep. Fantastic share. I had MS Office '07 but contracted a Trojan Virus that locked up my entire system. I was lucky to have backed up all my data and now after re-installing Win 8.1 I'm gathering everything, all my programs and applications and installing them again. What a hassle! I'll have to learn to backup everything more completely. I DO NOT want to go through this again.