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thanks a lot... what does the FE mean in those download pages anyway? For Everyone Biggrin
(11-06-2014 11:05 PM)bobbyjoe23 Wrote: [ -> ]thanks a lot... what does the FE mean in those download pages anyway? For Everyone Biggrin
Fe Means "Front End" Offer
ok thanks Santhu... appreciate it 42rock Welcome
Any success stories with this? Please do share.
1st attempt: broadcast - I sent out 1k voice broadcasts and leaving vm. Got no responses so far. will give this another go because the sample was smaller. Might try about 5k on next one. Plus sent the broadcast at night, the niche I chose has emergency service so some of those calls had answered and I was not able to leave a message.

2nd attempt: email - Decided to change it up a bit on the email script and offered to make a free custom video for their biz. Sent 2500 emails and so far got 3 calls back and landed one SEO client yesterday. The other two want the video done and they are thinking about SEO too. One has had a SEO guy for a year and not yet page one for any keywords, so he's thinking about my seo service. Don't know what that seo company is doing because there really isn't much competition.

The only reason SEO came up was because all three asked what else I do. I never mentioned anything about seo or consulting in the email.

hot leads are still coming in from that small sample of emails. The optin form is a good idea too and I will offer that service after I have delivered the free video along with my niche proof pdf from mario's other courses.
Reps for the personal review...
(11-11-2014 07:55 AM)xrocksterx Wrote: [ -> ]1st attempt: broadcast - I sent out 1k voice broadcasts and leaving vm. Got no responses so far. will give this another go because the sample was smaller. Might try about 5k on next one. Plus sent the broadcast at night, the niche I chose has emergency service so some of those calls had answered and I was not able to leave a message.

2nd attempt: email - Decided to change it up a bit on the email script and offered to make a free custom video for their biz. Sent 2500 emails and so far got 3 calls back and landed one SEO client yesterday. The other two want the video done and they are thinking about SEO too. One has had a SEO guy for a year and not yet page one for any keywords, so he's thinking about my seo service. Don't know what that seo company is doing because there really isn't much competition.

The only reason SEO came up was because all three asked what else I do. I never mentioned anything about seo or consulting in the email.

hot leads are still coming in from that small sample of emails. The optin form is a good idea too and I will offer that service after I have delivered the free video along with my niche proof pdf from mario's other courses.
I saw the link on the page and then I searched here @ BBHF after reading your comment was auto sales machine shared here?
Found it!

(11-05-2014 06:35 AM)xrocksterx Wrote: [ -> ]Seems all their products are almost identical, just adding a new method to grabbing consulting clients somewhere down the road. I personally like auto sales machine.
Thank you for the share!
Thanks Great share
Thanks for this, I was goind to buy but will buy it after I use the product and make money with it
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