09-27-2014, 10:27 PM
Brenner and Michael Senoff
Brenner and Michael Senoff
Brenner’s Intellectual Property Licensing Ten Part Audio MP3 Series
Brenner’s Intellectual Property Licensing Ten Part Audio MP3 Series
PDF transcripts and mp3 downloads)[/font]
Licensing is a creative game with very little boundaries or limitations. PDF transcripts and mp3 downloads)[/font]
Known as the poor man’s advertising, it can give enormous media exposure to even the smallest of businesses, by leveraging off the popularity of movies, events, personalities or brands.
Licensing crosses over into all markets. It can easily launch a product, expand a business, make a career, or make you a household name overnight.
In this audio series you’ll hear all about it from Rand Brenner, one of Hollywood’s top licensing experts.
Rand’s been in the licensing game since the early days when huge corporations were still guessing at how to make money from it.
He’s helped Warner Brothers Studios successfully license the first Batman movie and also helped Saban Entertainment make it big with the Mighty Morphine Power Rangers brand.
In this ten part licensing training, you’ll hear all about it from one of Hollywood’s top licensing experts.
And in this 10 part audio interview series, you’ll hear Rand share his biggest (and easiest) secret techniques.
Rand demystifies the truth about how use licensing as a shortcut to success, even if you’re on a shoe-string budget. You can make it big in the intellectual property licensing game with his training.
1. Part One: Exploring The Possibilities- 51-minute audio interview, 34-page transcript containing both Part One and Part Two
2. Part Two: Getting Started
- 37-minute audio interview, 34-page transcript containing both Part One and Part Two
3. How To Take A Start-Up From Zero To Millions… Using Licensing Alone
- 34-minute audio, 23-page transcript
4. Capitalizing On The Goodwill Of Bankrupt Brands
- 36-minute audio, 22-page transcript
5. How To Use Licensing To Gain A Competitive Advantage
- 34-minute audio, 19-page transcript
6. Formulating A Plan To Start Local… And Go National
- 37-minute audio, 19-page transcript
7. A Hands-On Demonstration For Figuring Out The Next Best Licensing Opportunity
- 35-minute audio, 19-page transcript
8. Licensing Your Business Know-How
- 33-minute audio, 19-page transcript
9. Expanding Your Geographic Footprint
- 20-minute audio, 12-page transcript
10. The Most Important 104 Questions
About The Subject Of Licensing Intellectual Property
SALES PAGE [HIDE]http://www.hardtofindseminars.com/Rand_Brenner_Licensing.htm[HIDE]
DOWNLOAD http://mir.cr/T77TFDEN