can someone share it here?
I have the latest version, but it is the retail one, and i have no idea how to null it, i suppose something in the include/functions.php...
Here it is anyway...
I have the latest version (retail), but for some reason I'm unable to post it...
Link above! :)
apparently i'm on moderation since I'm a new member, but i got no warning when posting, that's why i thought i was unable to post it.
This is interesting.. Right now it cost to much to send mails out..
Good alternatives.. can we get this nulled?
if anyone interested in an 100% open source unlimited domain (agency/whitelabel) drop me a pm)
(02-26-2015 09:20 PM)jpmagalhaes Wrote: [ -> ]I have the latest version, but the retail one, no idea how to null it, but i suppose it must be something in the functions.php.
Here it is anyway:
callbacks in both _install.php and functions.php. ->line 259: $licensed = file_get_contents_curl('' . $current_domain . '/' . $license . '/' . ipaddress());
just make it $licensed = true / 'valid'.. whatever.