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I dont pretend to be rude..but it bothers me that xootmedia knows pretty well that this script wont work properly... cant understand why he is saying he BOUGHT this script come?..its not nulled not even user license.. he didnt pay nothing for it. at some point hes lying for no raeson at all.. I have phpjabbers property script... found it somewhere...not sure if in BBHF or somewhere else..but it doesnt work... just beacause i have it doesnt mean that i will post it here and pretend i buy it for all xootmedia is pretending to do...
Isimon u can decode the base 64 and read self. smile. so nullit super ISIMON. You are a supervip or only a ---
(09-20-2014 07:58 AM)theyellow Wrote: [ -> ]I dont pretend to be rude..but it bothers me that xootmedia knows pretty well that this script wont work properly... cant understand why he is saying he BOUGHT this script come?..its not nulled not even user license.. he didnt pay nothing for it. at some point hes lying for no raeson at all.. I have phpjabbers property script... found it somewhere...not sure if in BBHF or somewhere else..but it doesnt work... just beacause i have it doesnt mean that i will post it here and pretend i buy it for all xootmedia is pretending to do...
theyellow agree with you.
(09-20-2014 08:01 AM)xiaofang Wrote: [ -> ]Isimon u can decode the base 64 and read self. smile. so nullit super ISIMON. You are a supervip or only a ---
Like i say xiaofang i know this script from first company developers realease. Yes i can decoded and fix sintax.. to work know what i will say to you? Support developers and buy it leecher!
belive or not your choice for the script if i bought or not
and secod my mistake i share with some stupid here that does not know thanking for share instead of blaming
Not my fould i am not a nulled or decoder
Smile we wait for Isimon version smile
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