09-20-2014, 05:57 AM
09-20-2014, 05:57 AM
09-20-2014, 06:17 AM
But not with this script with you share it! Stop bullshit!
09-20-2014, 06:25 AM
iSimon, this script is working man, all you need licenses to finish the installation.
xootmedia alredy said on the titile that this is not " {NOT NULLED }VOCATION RENTAL Latest Version "
so to finish the installation someone need to null it first.....ooh man, we all tested and we got upto step 5, even i went by pass to step 6 but it wouldn't install unless if i have Licenses key
so it's not "nulled"
xootmedia alredy said on the titile that this is not " {NOT NULLED }VOCATION RENTAL Latest Version "
so to finish the installation someone need to null it first.....ooh man, we all tested and we got upto step 5, even i went by pass to step 6 but it wouldn't install unless if i have Licenses key
so it's not "nulled"
09-20-2014, 06:30 AM
(09-20-2014 05:29 AM)skuk99 Wrote: [ -> ]xootmedia , i added for u +5 rep and i understand this script is not nulled but for sharing this script with us. dont take notice some of those comments made by others, those guys are just waiting to take people work and never share anything. i tested the script and it's working but you need licence or someone need to null the script. i also have my self phpjabbers.com car rental which i purchased, soon i wil share with everyone else.
thanks again
kalle1 , you dont need to change host or anthing, just follow the installation wizard.
iSimon, you are VIP member, dont treat people like that and dont think you know everything man.
if you guys not sure how to install then, ask them or ask for help but dont treat someone who is sharing the script like that. at least that guy's sharing the script man.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^([a-z]{2})/(.*)-(\d+).html$ index.php?controller=pjListings&action=pjActionView&language=$1&id=$3 [L,NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)-(\d+).html$ index.php?controller=pjListings&action=pjActionView&id=$2 [L,NC]
you can follow the instruction and it wil take you upto step 5 but you need License key to get to next step
(09-20-2014 05:29 AM)skuk99 Wrote: [ -> ]If you share someting, share it and dont change anything from original source that all. If ask you for licence then you dont have developer licence. And yes you change now htaccess from before to original state. And your install is still missing. Id ont need help i know this script very well include the engine but if you share it share real things on forum for people not half way. Did you see me that i ever share half things on the forum?can you explain this screen on "install" if is completed script?
![[Image: Screen_Shot_2014_09_19_at_22_27_45.jpg]](http://s27.postimg.org/ygvjsjrlf/Screen_Shot_2014_09_19_at_22_27_45.jpg)
09-20-2014, 06:45 AM
well if you knw this script well http://www.phpjabbers.com/ then why dont you share the script then criticise. you are VIP member you should know better that this place to share and that's what xootmedia did and i dont see you share this script before so you cann't pick on someone contribution. i have purchased script from PHPJABBER as well so for developer you need to pay bit extra thats all. if you can crack this script then you could make it work, and how can you keep say install is missing man, when i went to upto step 5 stage... to finish the installation i need licenses . And everyone else saying is working except you man so don't you think you are not have the same script or you are missing something....
i have phpejabbers car rental developer script and i did check both and i dont see anything missing
i have phpejabbers car rental developer script and i did check both and i dont see anything missing
09-20-2014, 06:49 AM
Explain to me the screen witch i posted why i dont get even "install wizard" so first step if all work for others? Is not problem to share it what i got but not for leechers!! If you have the latest script car rental specially "developer" you know that index.php have 110 lines not just 36 lines like this script ;) ...
09-20-2014, 07:01 AM
if that is your problem then ask the question from us yeah...
go redownload again from the link bc it's working for us now
i wil shw you the screen shot
i tested my self brother, it's working
installation step1 http:/foldername/index.php?controller=pjInstaller&action=pjActionStep1&install=1
installation folder section: \app\plugins\pjInstaller\views\pjInstaller
screen snap
go redownload again from the link bc it's working for us now
i wil shw you the screen shot
i tested my self brother, it's working
installation step1 http:/foldername/index.php?controller=pjInstaller&action=pjActionStep1&install=1
installation folder section: \app\plugins\pjInstaller\views\pjInstaller
screen snap
09-20-2014, 07:24 AM
09-20-2014, 07:26 AM
This is user license not developer license.. it will work with only 1 exclusive domain
dont wate your time here... dumb ass xootmedia share is a crap wont work at all!
xootmedia... if you want to buy this script purchase developer license and share it here
dont post and share S***** scripts
dont wate your time here... dumb ass xootmedia share is a crap wont work at all!
xootmedia... if you want to buy this script purchase developer license and share it here
dont post and share S***** scripts
09-20-2014, 07:37 AM
theyellow, dont need to be harsh on him... if you want you could share you self rather then going at someone who's contributing on the forum.