DesktopServer v3.8.4 version is out. Anyone?
I looked into this and it seems cool but they want you to pay for things you can get for free with Desktop Server plus they are p****** out Wordpress hosting which I don't need.
Can we get updated DesktopServer please?
(02-08-2018 10:46 PM)tobro Wrote: [ -> ]Dude, use free
php7 and more
best for win10 ^)
Looking for Desktop Server Premium for the Mac.
file has expired...
Any chance of getting it reposted?
Woaow, thank you lookingoutofthewindow!
(02-18-2019 04:36 PM)iambharat Wrote: [ -> ]Anybody has it?
Woaow, thank you lookingoutofthewindow!