Hello. Here is the YouTube channel for Chris Jones. He's the guy that does the Azon Kickstart Series. He will be selling his Azon Christmas Cash 2014 and the Azon Christmas Follow Along 2014. I will try to post those here if I decise to buy them. Until then i will post any useful info I get from his emails. In the meantime you can keep up with his info by watching his Youtube channel here -
Here is a youtube video where he gives a talk about his upcoming launches, however at 15:00 he talks about finding good products to sell.
Magic Button :
Just watch it from that point on. The video is about 26 minutes long. If you don't know how to build sites find my Azon Christmas Followalong 2013. The links still work.
Right now I can't afford it so I'm going to follow allong with his Youtube videos and use his 2013 Christmas Cash course for this year. If you are doing toys Walmart and ToysR Us are releasing part of their Christmas toy list today.
I am getting his videos and his Christmas 2014 report to post so everyone can get some niche ideas and pointers then get started.
(09-12-2014 06:54 AM)jamalexa Wrote: [ -> ]I am getting his videos and his Christmas 2014 report to post so everyone can get some niche ideas and pointers then get started.
I am waiting for your share and to get started. Thanks for the kindness
Instead of downloading all his videos here's what we're going to do.
Here is the link to his YouTube Channel -
Magic Button :
Start from Azon Christmas 2014 Intro - 1 Month ago and go forward.
Here is the link to his Azon Christmas Cash 2014 report.
Magic Button :
I have included Azon Christmas Cash 2013 and I compiled a new toy list from Walmart for 2014. I included links to some websites. Search for Amazon and Toys R Us 2014 Christmas toys. I know the Toys R Us list is out.
I hope this helps. I think that if you look up the Azon Christmas Cash 2013 thread it will help you this year. I hope someone posts the new Christmas Cash but I'm going to use what I have. I will keep posting any info Chris Jones gives for his Christmas Cash 2014 on this thread. Right now I'm working on Halloween. If i don't make anything this year I'll be set for next. Enjoy!