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Full Version: [GET] Azon Christmas Cash - Christmas FollowAlong 2014
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(09-23-2014 07:59 PM)azure293 Wrote: [ -> ]Wish i had the $7 to buy it :)
Why? Go to post #15. You have the list of products. Go to Amazon, ToysRUs, Walmart, the manufacturer's website and gather the info and write your own articles. You would have to rewrite them anyway. Take that $7 and buy a domain or hosting. Catch a sale and get both.
Hi ,
I have two videos for you today and the first will explain about how to make money with Christmas and evergreen sites...
You need
to check this out:
Magic Button :

You can make a lot of money with Christmas and evergreen sites!
I only included one video. The other one is about his site builder offer. Enjoy!
Hi ,
It will be an exciting week next week.
If you have still not got to grips with Christmas Cash there is still time and I
have a video for you that will give you some updates on the case study,
how you can view it, motivation and FREE niches:

Check it out:
Magic Button :
This video will tell you how to build the sites fast without getting caught up and stuck.

Magic Button :
no-one has this
Have fun.

Magic Button :
Jamalexa, you are a star! Thank you for the effort to write and review all this!

P.S. Thanks, said she, and deleted the rating! Silly silly silly me! Sorry... LOL
All fixed now, of course! Writing this just in case you see deleted rating by someone and think they are ungrateful!
Thank you. I'm glad you find this useful.
(11-03-2014 09:14 AM)fractalena Wrote: [ -> ]Jamalexa, you are a star! Thank you for the effort to write and review all this!

P.S. Thanks, said she, and deleted the rating! Silly silly silly me! Sorry... LOL
All fixed now, of course! Writing this just in case you see deleted rating by someone and think they are ungrateful!
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