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Full Version: [Looking For] Instagram Bot Beta Testers [Windows/OSX/Linux]
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I'm looking for beta testers for my instagram bot.
The bot is able to follow, like, comment, unfollow and unlike.

[Image: INSTAGRAM%20BOT%20WINDOWS%20%3D%3E%20ADD...0SKYPE.png]

Mac OSX:
[Image: INSTAGRAM%20BOT%20MAC%20OSX%20%3D%3E%20A...0SKYPE.png]

[Image: INSTAGRAM%20BOT%20LINUX%20%3D%3E%20ADD%2...0SKYPE.png]

Skype: iomcielo
are there any delays for comments / like e.t.c ?
mixed comments ?
any other options ?
(08-29-2014 11:46 AM)izodos Wrote: [ -> ]interesting
are there any delays for comments / like e.t.c ?
mixed comments ?
any other options ?
Yes, there is an option to define delays.
And the comments support spintax, if this is what you mean.

Add me on skype and I will let you test it.
I would be very interested.
Thxs iomcielo. Max +5Reps GTY. Available as Beta Tester ;-)
Thxs iomcielo. Max +5Reps GTY. Available as Beta Tester ;-)
I'm interested in being a Beta Tester.
I could be interested :)
i would like to test the Mac or Windows version
I'm interested in being a Beta Tester. :)
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