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Full Version: [Looking For] Instagram Bot Beta Testers [Windows/OSX/Linux]
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I want to be a betatester of your instagram bot. Thanks for the opportunity!
Hello, I'm very much interested in Beta Testing your new bot on the mac or PC
THANKS for your offer...!
Are you still looking for a great beta tester?
I am looking forward to test your gig.
Interesting. Please write me PM
If you're still looking for a reviewer feel free to pm me

I am interested.

hey, would like to test your bot too.. i give a Feedback as soon i've got i :)

thanks in advance!
Just added. Im interested!
Would love to test the OS X version of your bot. Nice to see a bot programmed for OS X! Would it be easiest to add you on skype?
I'm interested in being a Beta Tester.
I'm definitely interested, I've been manually doing that on an account for ~1 week and have 450-ish followers so far, hope to take it further
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