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Full Version: [GET] CPA Ca$h Demon by Gaurab Borah, Tom Yeviskov and Naidy Phoon
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Honest Review:

First 100 out of the 120 pages tell you have to buy a website domain, setup hosting and signup for cpa companies, then tells you to drive traffic to your site.

Not worth the download if you have any experience in cpa.
I agree a lot of explaining in this wow. Nothing really new. I did download the case studies and the best info to me was the info in the case study # 2.

Seems like a lot less work to create a video like he did and he (presumably) made a lot more from it as well. In case study # 2 he also tells you why his video got taken down - due to buying fake views from enhance views

Thanks for the share! rep added imgamekc and jennatalia
It's a shame this product ended up being another flash in the pan. I saw so many marketers pushing it. I was looking for something worthwhile.
thanks for sharing
rep added high
Great Stuff TY Repped
Looks interesting.
Many Thanks - Great share - 79star 79star 79star 24clapping

you are awsome
(08-30-2014 07:04 AM)SimPick Wrote: [ -> ]As expected this is garbage to anyone but raw newbies who know nothing. Even then it's rip-off.

The large majority of it is about buying a domain name, configuring DNS, and setting up a Wordpress site and Facebook fan page. Then using them to promote offers. The course is 5% CPA and 95% getting started with an online presence.

Why it's even got "CPA" in the name is a mystery. I think they're just trying to cash-in on the CPA info product craze.

Beside, the Facebook Fan Page he uses in the eBook doesn't even seem to exist anymore. Says it all I think.

I know a few of these guys from Facebook and I know for 100% sure they don't use what they teach and haven't a clue about CPA or anything else they release as products. It's all fake bullsh*t to fill-out an eBook to capture subscribers and bombard with offers every day.

Best avoided. If you're after CPA training, forget this completely. Almost anything else would be better.
you give us a real review...Thanks +rep
THANKS SlimPick! That's what's great about this forum -- saving money and time on BS products! +5 for you!
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