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Full Version: [GET] CPA Ca$h Demon by Gaurab Borah, Tom Yeviskov and Naidy Phoon
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repped! Thank you guys
d*** I bought this product only to find it was shared here. T_T
Btw thanks I got the 2 oto for free.
thanks, +rep added
full reps added:)
Same here, i've subscribed to Tom's list(and some other marketers too) just to go through the email copy!
(08-29-2014 06:47 PM)SimPick Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks man. To be honest, Gurab and Tom Yevsikov have a bit of a background of being associated with crap products. Some of them have been beyond terrible and I know for a fact that they don't use the methods they teach. They just JV with people to push out crappy product after crappy product at the rate of almost one per month. They are only interested in getting subscribers who they bombard with offers every single day. I know because I'm on Tom Yevsikovs list. I only stay on it because he writes pretty good copy and banks around $10k each month from affiliate promotions. The copy doesn't come from him because I've seen his Blog and Facebook page and his English is terrible, but his emails are good. Guess he uses a swipe file, but they're pretty good swipes and great for reuse.

But thanks anyway. I'll take a look regardless because I'm back in to CPA again after a while away from it.
Nice nice. +5 Reps. Thanks for this. Have a nice day!
(08-29-2014 12:49 AM)imgamekc Wrote: [ -> ][GET] CPA Ca$h Demon
Check out the sales page if your interested ..

The GET LINK is only to the basic product.. I did not invest in the upsells or other downsells

HIDE/Main product (CPA + Non CPA method):

Use the link above between the Hide/___/Hide

Hope it helps someone out there...

Simple Rep is all a guy asks..
Thanks for your support, bubba. +5 Reps.
(08-29-2014 01:35 AM)diptafara Wrote: [ -> ]Another link
CPA Cash Demon Dashboard
PHP Code: 
CPA Cash Demon Deluxe package
CPA Cash Demon DFY Package
This course is good for newbie. For people who experienced in affiliate niche sites there's nothing new.
Good few newbies.
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