My review:
Go to yelp and find businesses that need repeat customer. He targets restaurants. Send them email about the SMS service. He gives a few options for how much to charge them.
Sign up customers with mobileautoresponder dot com
Badabing, you now have customers! Yeah right, wish it was this easy...
After they've signed up with you, sell them print services advertising a discount when they sign up to restaurant's SMS marketing.
(08-15-2014 01:47 AM)VidaGeneQueenOfMean Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for the share and repped.
My review:
Go to yelp and find businesses that need repeat customer. He targets restaurants. Send them email about the SMS service. He gives a few options for how much to charge them.
Sign up customers with mobileautoresponder dot com
Badabing, you now have customers! Yeah right, wish it was this easy...
After they've signed up with you, sell them print services advertising a discount when they sign up to restaurant's SMS marketing.
Good review. I haven't had a chance to read the pdf's yet but this sounds like a great addition for a current seo or website services biz by using this as one of the upsells. I can definitely see the power of this, especially if the business is having some sort of limited-time sale and can blast it out to their client/customer base using sms.
5 pdfs in this package. Yes there is the SMS one. Pretty good. Others cover mostly "review management" (vs reputation management). There are 2 particularly bad pieces of advice that popped out at me.
The first was to tell prospective clients that you can "get rid of" the negative reviews. Not true 99% of the time. What you can do it try to bury the bad reviews under a pile of good ones. But don't set up false expectations at the front end with a new client.
The second problem was the advice to incentivize good reviews (for example, have a restaurant offer 10% off their next visit for a good review). I have read that this violates Googles TOS and probably YELPs too (never checked because it is a bad idea to begin with). If you are interested in real ORM (Online Reputation Management) or even just "review management" then do some product searching here on BBHF and elsewhere (WF, etc) and learn the professional techniques that provide local biz with real value and no chance of penalty down the road.