07-24-2014, 05:18 AM
07-24-2014, 05:32 AM
(07-24-2014 05:18 AM)emarketer Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,Here you go:
midastouch, could you please suggest me where to find that tutorial about arbitrage which is 80 pages?
07-24-2014, 06:05 AM
(07-24-2014 05:18 AM)emarketer Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
midastouch, could you please suggest me where to find that tutorial about arbitrage which is 80 pages?
Below are the post and page numbers for the 10 videos Quasar created and added throughout the 85 page thread.
**He also provided additional files in this post
07-24-2014, 07:22 AM
(07-24-2014 05:09 AM)midastouch Wrote: [ -> ]I downloaded this and looked at the writer's Ebay profile. What he was selling for $18 or so, I could source on Ali Baba for about $11 a piece inclusive of shipping. This was dropshipping so no need to buy in bulk but shipping could take up to 35 days. You think your Ebay customers are going to be happy with that? Plus, take away for listing and paypal fees, and you're left with peanuts. Ask yourself, if the product was that profitable to the writer, why is he now no longer selling it on that profile?I appreciate your comments Midastouch!
You're far better off looking to arbitrage products on Amazon and re-selling them on Ebay. There is an 80+ page thread on here that details in full how to do this and I'm forever grateful to Quasar for his immense contributions on that thread. Just to clarify - I just this week found a product on Amazon on sale for £77 that's been selling very easily on Ebay for £109. Now that's an easy £20+ profit from just one product.
Forget the Chinese crappy products that sell for a dime a dozen and instead focus on the thousands of arbitrage products that are available to you in your own country. That way you have no delivery issues, no bad feedback issues and most importantly, a decent profit per transaction.
+5 dude!
And thank you!
It makes my day to know you got something from that thread, and are making a very decent profit-per-item! Everyone wants to bash ole Quasar until they figure out there are many hours which I gave in that thread. (And all the other gold I post here!)
Several people from that thread are making a consistent work-replacing income from it. I know a couple of people that are now earning 5 figures a month full time and a few more that earn into mid- to upper-four figures (dollars) monthly.
I know because they were nice enough to write and tell me. They wanted a better life more than they wanted to whine and complain. They made it happen, and I could not be happier for them!
Everyone seems to overlook the hours of my time where I never once asked anyone for a dime. Arbitrage is still alive and well - it still is a large part of the eBay/Amazon revenue stream in my business.
But let's get back to relevancy and get specific since this eBay loser can't seem to! Let's talk about this clown, and some facts he seems to dodge while vehemently protecting his good name:
What was his lead product - his shining example - in his bullshit guide?
A vaporizer, right? An electric product from China - no problem, right?
He's full of shit! All that needs to happen is for one of those vaporizers to catch fire or for a baby to get burned if it overheats. How about if/when it causes a house fire because the wiring was under spec.
What happens then?
This is real folks - not bullshit like this seller is pandering!
You can and will probably be sued by everyone that this faulty product involves and has affected. Yes, it can be millions of dollars - over a f*cking vaporizer! (A product he doesn't seem to be highlighting any longer.)
But, let's not get that dramatic. We'll make this easier.
What does this product have to have on it to be legally sold in the U.S. or most places?
In the U.S., this product MUST have a Underwriter's Laboratory - a UL seal - a valid one. It simply means it is approved for safe use in a home or office by people. So people - you - can be somewhat assured it won't f*cking catch fire!
Is your shit from China going to have this seal?
(That is a trick question!)
Actually, it might have one - only it will be a fake. Who will climb all over your a.ss then?
The FTC, FCC, UL and every consumer protection agency in your locale will fine you more than you can count, place you on trial in a court of law, and send your as.s to prison or put you on probation for double-digit years that will be worse than prison!
And ALL the cash you thought you had in PayPal is gone - confiscated or locked forever! You are f*cked for life!
In the U.S. this is fraud in three ways:
It is a fake sticker, which means it is UL fraud. If it doesn't pass through the UL, it is a crime to sell it.
Then it is also copyright and trademark fraud (Yes, I did say copyright and trademark) because the UL symbol on that label is a copyrighted and trademarked symbol.
And it is actually a third kind of fraud because you are making a statement to the consumer (en absentia) that the item has passed the UL series of regulatory tests, which is the worst offense and lie of all, because it immediately places you 100% at fault. (There is no insurance in the world to help you with this one because it crosses into criminal law from civil law!)
You don't actually think a bozo in China cares about a lawsuit in the U.S., do you?
So why do you think it is to your advantage to sell direct from China and into the U.S., UK, Australia or anywhere - as long as you are a Chinese national?
I'll let you guys work that last one out.
No, ole Quasar can't walk-the-walk. He doesn't know shit about this, does he? He only makes a mid-level boxcar (net) every year from a near-passive eBay/Amazon revenue stream that employs 4 full time people (that used to be poor) in another country.
You may want to think about who's f*cking whom here.
I don't sell bullshit electronics from or made in China! These are only a couple of the good reasons why I don't do stupid things like this in my business. (There are lots more reasons!)
POP QUIZ Mr. eBay Rocket Scientist!
Tell me just one tiny little thing you can do that will double the net profit of $1-$3 to $6 to $10 on every small auction item that sells - dropshipped or not - overnight. This one is drop-dead simple and there are lots of ways to do it. Name just one. Post it here using all 3 of your brain cells and your horrible writing and grammar skills.
I might even say something nice to you if you can name just one simple strategy that I use every day in my eBay business that doubles and even occasionally triples my NET profit-per-item. Just post it here. I will tell you if you are right or not.
Hint: Your cost to do this can range from zero to 22 cents. ANY eBay seller can do it and the solution is usually staring you right in the face.
This session of school is out Mr. eBay Rocket Scientist!
Wanna try the slightly harder math next? That's way more fun!
07-28-2014, 12:17 PM
1st of all, love the comments, thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Ok, when it comes to the stuff from China, noone is able to compete with the chinese sellers on ebay while dropshipping. The math ends right there.
The only real way to compete in that situation is to not dropship, but buy the entire inventory, get it in the USA, and then declare that you're shipping from the US. In this case your price can be 20% higher and people will still prefer you over the chinese, and you won't have any trouble from Ebay. But this way you're risking in the beginning, since your fate depend on your chinese supplier, alibaba or not, but if you get the wrong stuff, you're kinda a toast. But if you're lucky, with time you'll accumulate enough to cover any hickups. Which reminds me of no-limit poker.
Oh, and when it comes to brand name items, there's plenty of generic stuff, like cables and adapters, and even higher priced peripherals. But to drop ship from China? No way, too many red flags. Cheers!
Ok, when it comes to the stuff from China, noone is able to compete with the chinese sellers on ebay while dropshipping. The math ends right there.
The only real way to compete in that situation is to not dropship, but buy the entire inventory, get it in the USA, and then declare that you're shipping from the US. In this case your price can be 20% higher and people will still prefer you over the chinese, and you won't have any trouble from Ebay. But this way you're risking in the beginning, since your fate depend on your chinese supplier, alibaba or not, but if you get the wrong stuff, you're kinda a toast. But if you're lucky, with time you'll accumulate enough to cover any hickups. Which reminds me of no-limit poker.
Oh, and when it comes to brand name items, there's plenty of generic stuff, like cables and adapters, and even higher priced peripherals. But to drop ship from China? No way, too many red flags. Cheers!
07-30-2014, 11:22 AM
I was able to get some useful info here, so thanks.
07-30-2014, 10:38 PM
Awesome awesome info! Thanks so much to all who contributed! Reps added!
07-31-2014, 08:04 AM
Bookmarking thread for later read. Thanks for the share!
08-04-2014, 06:51 AM
Being a Chinese and having a hyper successful family business in the dropshipping business for 5+ years in China. I have to tell you Quasar is right.......You may make money out of it, but you risk your reputation and ebay account. We have a representative working with our supplier (they work full time whole year for us) and for each batch, there are all sorts of different problems........and never ending last minute crises. I need to point out a Chinese saying that 99% Chinese are liars, the other 1% are in the training period, so you really need to understand how to survive and sustain your business in that situation. It's very risky for someone who doesn't understand Chinese and Chinese culture to start this business..............
BTW, this is not the most expensive product on Chinese dropping shipping, I have met some persons on other internet forum with more expensive products and when I ask for where she finds their products, alibaba or taobao international, she doesn't even give me a shit by telling me I don't understand....
If you are interested, check the revenue of this two sites and the language used there, then you know the differenece between theory and real practice..BTW, the one I mentioned is a self-acclaimed guru, her product charges a little less than OMG or whatever Amazon X Machine.....
BTW, this is not the most expensive product on Chinese dropping shipping, I have met some persons on other internet forum with more expensive products and when I ask for where she finds their products, alibaba or taobao international, she doesn't even give me a shit by telling me I don't understand....
If you are interested, check the revenue of this two sites and the language used there, then you know the differenece between theory and real practice..BTW, the one I mentioned is a self-acclaimed guru, her product charges a little less than OMG or whatever Amazon X Machine.....
08-13-2014, 11:54 PM
Quasar, I would love to know what you're talking about that doubles your net profits
(07-24-2014 07:22 AM)Quasar Wrote: [ -> ](07-24-2014 05:09 AM)midastouch Wrote: [ -> ]I downloaded this and looked at the writer's Ebay profile. What he was selling for $18 or so, I could source on Ali Baba for about $11 a piece inclusive of shipping. This was dropshipping so no need to buy in bulk but shipping could take up to 35 days. You think your Ebay customers are going to be happy with that? Plus, take away for listing and paypal fees, and you're left with peanuts. Ask yourself, if the product was that profitable to the writer, why is he now no longer selling it on that profile?I appreciate your comments Midastouch!
You're far better off looking to arbitrage products on Amazon and re-selling them on Ebay. There is an 80+ page thread on here that details in full how to do this and I'm forever grateful to Quasar for his immense contributions on that thread. Just to clarify - I just this week found a product on Amazon on sale for £77 that's been selling very easily on Ebay for £109. Now that's an easy £20+ profit from just one product.
Forget the Chinese crappy products that sell for a dime a dozen and instead focus on the thousands of arbitrage products that are available to you in your own country. That way you have no delivery issues, no bad feedback issues and most importantly, a decent profit per transaction.
+5 dude!
And thank you!
It makes my day to know you got something from that thread, and are making a very decent profit-per-item! Everyone wants to bash ole Quasar until they figure out there are many hours which I gave in that thread. (And all the other gold I post here!)
Several people from that thread are making a consistent work-replacing income from it. I know a couple of people that are now earning 5 figures a month full time and a few more that earn into mid- to upper-four figures (dollars) monthly.
I know because they were nice enough to write and tell me. They wanted a better life more than they wanted to whine and complain. They made it happen, and I could not be happier for them!
Everyone seems to overlook the hours of my time where I never once asked anyone for a dime. Arbitrage is still alive and well - it still is a large part of the eBay/Amazon revenue stream in my business.
But let's get back to relevancy and get specific since this eBay loser can't seem to! Let's talk about this clown, and some facts he seems to dodge while vehemently protecting his good name:
What was his lead product - his shining example - in his bullshit guide?
A vaporizer, right? An electric product from China - no problem, right?
He's full of shit! All that needs to happen is for one of those vaporizers to catch fire or for a baby to get burned if it overheats. How about if/when it causes a house fire because the wiring was under spec.
What happens then?
This is real folks - not bullshit like this seller is pandering!
You can and will probably be sued by everyone that this faulty product involves and has affected. Yes, it can be millions of dollars - over a f*cking vaporizer! (A product he doesn't seem to be highlighting any longer.)
But, let's not get that dramatic. We'll make this easier.
What does this product have to have on it to be legally sold in the U.S. or most places?
In the U.S., this product MUST have a Underwriter's Laboratory - a UL seal - a valid one. It simply means it is approved for safe use in a home or office by people. So people - you - can be somewhat assured it won't f*cking catch fire!
Is your shit from China going to have this seal?
(That is a trick question!)
Actually, it might have one - only it will be a fake. Who will climb all over your a.ss then?
The FTC, FCC, UL and every consumer protection agency in your locale will fine you more than you can count, place you on trial in a court of law, and send your as.s to prison or put you on probation for double-digit years that will be worse than prison!
And ALL the cash you thought you had in PayPal is gone - confiscated or locked forever! You are f*cked for life!
In the U.S. this is fraud in three ways:
It is a fake sticker, which means it is UL fraud. If it doesn't pass through the UL, it is a crime to sell it.
Then it is also copyright and trademark fraud (Yes, I did say copyright and trademark) because the UL symbol on that label is a copyrighted and trademarked symbol.
And it is actually a third kind of fraud because you are making a statement to the consumer (en absentia) that the item has passed the UL series of regulatory tests, which is the worst offense and lie of all, because it immediately places you 100% at fault. (There is no insurance in the world to help you with this one because it crosses into criminal law from civil law!)
You don't actually think a bozo in China cares about a lawsuit in the U.S., do you?
So why do you think it is to your advantage to sell direct from China and into the U.S., UK, Australia or anywhere - as long as you are a Chinese national?
I'll let you guys work that last one out.
No, ole Quasar can't walk-the-walk. He doesn't know shit about this, does he? He only makes a mid-level boxcar (net) every year from a near-passive eBay/Amazon revenue stream that employs 4 full time people (that used to be poor) in another country.
You may want to think about who's f*cking whom here.
I don't sell bullshit electronics from or made in China! These are only a couple of the good reasons why I don't do stupid things like this in my business. (There are lots more reasons!)
POP QUIZ Mr. eBay Rocket Scientist!
Tell me just one tiny little thing you can do that will double the net profit of $1-$3 to $6 to $10 on every small auction item that sells - dropshipped or not - overnight. This one is drop-dead simple and there are lots of ways to do it. Name just one. Post it here using all 3 of your brain cells and your horrible writing and grammar skills.
I might even say something nice to you if you can name just one simple strategy that I use every day in my eBay business that doubles and even occasionally triples my NET profit-per-item. Just post it here. I will tell you if you are right or not.
Hint: Your cost to do this can range from zero to 22 cents. ANY eBay seller can do it and the solution is usually staring you right in the face.
This session of school is out Mr. eBay Rocket Scientist!
Wanna try the slightly harder math next? That's way more fun!