Even though it was shared I hadn't seen it so thanks for this, rep given.
anyway . .thanks to Op!! . . .+Rep added!!
Having a hard time opening the rar file am i the only one?
thanks for sharing +3 rep added :)
Thanks OP - repped!
It is not the OP's fault this product seller does not know shit about eBay. He takes one case study and makes a product out of it. That's okay - I am good with that. Only I do eBay and Amazon arbitrage as one of the revenue streams in my business. This guy is all over the place, and not ever sure what he is offering advice about.
Do dropshipping? Sure, but he doesn't know shit about it. The first thing he does - after telling you dropshipping is the golden key to riches and a fat PayPal account with some bozo in China - is to find someone in the US to to do the dropshipping for him.
That validated his shit, didn't it?
Look, dropshipping is high skill - it is not for newbies and rookie sellers - or the faint of heart. And you had better get it right or eBay and PayPal will cut your nuts off. He flatly tells you to lie to both eBay and PayPal by telling them you do NOT do dropshipping.
This couldn't possibly be sign this guy is a worthless shit or a red flag, could it? If it worked so f*cking great, why would you need to lie to them? eBay is only the primary venue and PayPal is how you get your money. Those are really smart things to f*ck-up, aren't they?
Anyway, this as.shole's ebook is all over the place. He has you using tools from the outset that don't cost much, but they do have a cost. (Auctiva, Terapeak) Most of his bullshit advice is worthless and he has never seen $60k or had a $100k e-commerce web site. Stu.pid people never make it that far.
Why do you need to use and do all these analyses and auction management systems when you aren't even doing the fulfillment? It ain't rocket science to see what Chinese guys are selling in volume on eBay or seeing how much or little they sell it for. And do you really want to compete with dozens of Chinese guys selling the same stuff you are?
And he even misses an absolutely GOLDEN opportunity he tells you doesn't work, but I have made LOTS of money with it. (NO I won't tell you what it is!)
My grade: .5 / 5 stars.
Worth it ONLY for the amusement value, but only useful if you want to screw yourself and whatever customers will be willing to wait weeks for poorly made shit from China that has high failure rates - if they get it at all. This is a sure way to lose every eBay account you have now or will ever have - PayPal too. I haven't read a decent eBay product since January. Most of these as.sholes selling this shit now are one-trick ponies that wouldn't know how to really make money on eBay if you put a gun to their heads!
++REP added to Qausar for great review . .
That's a hell of a review