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Full Version: [Updated 04 July 2015]Templ@tic Directory+ 11 ChildTheme + 26 plugins+ 8 payments
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You're all welcome

(07-14-2014 03:27 AM)ramsingh Wrote: [ -> ]Hi,
Today I saw this awesome child theme for the directory please upload this theme if you have it

Someone promise me provide this theme. i will share it when i receive.
amazing..... rep add.
I'm having a problem adding cities. I'll input all the info and but the city doesn't save. Any thoughts or fixes?
Good job !!!
Reupload plz
(07-15-2014 03:08 AM)mrtick Wrote: [ -> ]I'm having a problem adding cities. I'll input all the info and but the city doesn't save. Any thoughts or fixes?
I am having the same issues Verysad
Thanks for share...
Links are dead. Mirrors?
Links Updated
New child theme added (Locations child theme)
You've done it again - many thanks.. Rep added
Reference URL's