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Full Version: [GET] VideoMakerFX Prothemes and Slides Folders
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(10-04-2016 02:38 AM)blitzgeist Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, can anyone get me a optomatrist/optician theme before next week? I have an eyetest that I cannot afford thankssmileHappydance

Why not try PowerPoint for once in case you do not find that particular theme on the collection?
(10-04-2016 10:05 PM)ShortCircuit Wrote: [ -> ]
(10-04-2016 02:38 AM)blitzgeist Wrote: [ -> ]By the way, can anyone get me a optomatrist/optician theme before next week? I have an eyetest that I cannot afford thankssmileHappydance

Why not try PowerPoint for once in case you do not find that particular theme on the collection?
I was actually looking for a WP theme that already contains related content. I have the videos that I intend to include. As I am doing the site for nada I don't really want to lay out any more cash. I already paid for domain name hosting etc. Saves me money on my much needed replacement specs though and helps spread to other contacts (I hope)

OK everyone - there was like 44 members on the poll that said they wanted the GB @ $5.00 or more.

It’s ready - Come on and get it!

September 2016 prothemes available in the GB now @ $5.00 per month.

RA Cool

fantastic, i was looking for this....thanks
Thankyou so much for your generous contributions and value.. Just downloaded May, June, July and August!! Highly appreciated. Looks like also the quality is improving again. Is there an overview of whats in september?

This thread closed and all shares and mirrors
and current months now in the new
[HOT INSTANT GB] VideoMakerFX Monthly Prothemes Group Buy

RA Cool

how to pay the payment in this GB
(10-08-2016 01:17 AM)ammohsin Wrote: [ -> ]how to pay the payment in this GB

Follow the link provided above. You'll be redirected to a page with details.

This thread closed and all shares and mirrors
and current months now in the new
[HOT INSTANT GB] VideoMakerFX Monthly Prothemes Group Buy

NOTE: You have to be a member of the GB Lover Group to access the above GB page.
Go to your Control Panel and on the bottom left go to Group Memberships and join.
Then you can go to the above page.

RA Cool

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