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Full Version: [Review] - P1 Traffic Machine
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Hello Everyone!

Here is another quick review for the latest hits in IM stores. P1 Traffic Machine!

You can get all the fancy pitch at the sales page here:

It's time now to review this product before you grab your wallet and buy it!

Q1). What is this product all about?

It is simply another plugin for generating silos for your website.

Q2). Can we generate silos by ourselves?

Yeah, of course! in fact, letting automated programs generate the silos for you is a bad way to build your site. Not to mention that you have to go back and edit everything after the program which will cost you even more time. All you need is proper keyword research which you have to do anyway.

Q3). Does it generate content for you?

Yeah, it does - it takes some content from news sites and paste them into your blog. So, it's perfect for the latest Panda updates if you are willing to get penalized for duplicated content.

Q4). The sales page says that we can arrange the content in any way we like and this is called content curation not duplication. What do you say about that?

Do you think curating content in such an automated fashion will help you sell anything online? Your money website must be properly crafted page by page if you are serious about your online business. You can curate content for free using many other WordPress plugins. You really don't need to spend money to curate content. Content Curation in such a mass automated way will hurt your site more than helping it. Content curation must be used wisely on your site while being mixed with unique high quality content.

Q5). So, what's the use of this plugin anyway?

Well, i am afraid it is another product that is: "absolutely useless".

Q6). If this plugin was offered for free, would you download it?

I don't think so... i can't find one good use of this plugin really. Even when building blog networks, you won't need to generate those silos in such a fashion automatically.

- Cyborg965210! Cool
Thanks for the straight-forward review. Very helpful!!!
Sounds like another push-button / magic bullet paperweight. :(

Really leery of automated SEO solutions these days.
I think we should open a GB for this product :)
Good review thanks + reps given.

Personally I think its ok to use on feeder sites, you are right, definately not on money pages,
but I would use it on my network sites.
thanks with most of these I have to ask if it was so d*** good why are you releasing it to the public...surely you'd be too busy dominating vertical niches to waste time on the smaller money peddling to people who have a tough time scrapping up ten bucks?

Then again Levi Strauss made his gold peddling to those searching for gold....
<3 haha awesome review
This was touted to be the greatest thing since the internal combustion engine and it turns out to be another massive time waster. Thanks for the heads up.
(05-21-2014 10:52 AM)cloneofclone Wrote: [ -> ]thanks with most of these I have to ask if it was so d*** good why are you releasing it to the public...surely you'd be too busy dominating vertical niches to waste time on the smaller money peddling to people who have a tough time scrapping up ten bucks?

Then again Levi Strauss made his gold peddling to those searching for gold....

I have a custom system I've been using for YEARS for generating content and sites. These are tier 2 and lower sites, but the point is, it's custom built, it has roles for outsourcers and many different automation modules.

It's not available to the public and NEVER will be.
I am no expert, but seriously how many people can actually create "silo" sites correctly ? I can tell you this most can not do it correctly. There are other plug ins that create silo's.. such as silo bot and seo zen come to mind. There is a need for a quality plugin to correct build silo's for maintaining link juice. I doubt seriously if any plugin is going to change the site building scene and almost everyone of them is overly hyped.
As for the comments on "feeder" sites , that is exactly why you use silo's. Moving link juice from the feeder sites to your money site.

My review on it.. decent, it works but it is not the answer for any sort of one push button site, as none are.
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