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Hmm, then what are better programs or plugins to build really good sites fast with picture galleries, news articles
and Youtube videos so they will rank and look good and will not be banned by Google ?

I have a few non conected doamins and I need to put them to use with a few sites, but in this moment
I donĀ“t have the time to make them all manually and would like to use an automatic site builder
and just put some adsense banners on them and hope I will get a bit traffic from Google this way and
some banner clicks from surfers.
So what would you suggest ?
Many thanks.
Regards, Ca..
Thanks for review.
Thank you Cyborg965210 for your review.
THANKS Cyborg.... You are what is great about this forum! Saving us time and money from BS offers that seek only to con newbies. This thing may have some very limited use in certain situations, but surely will not live up to the hype -- as usual for too many offers. +5 reps to you
What all of you talking about???? How site can "RANK" if it uses duplicated content???
Does DUPLICATE CONTENT help to get Rank????
Garety actually said during his webinar - no need to worry about duplicate content - Google doesn't penalize you for it - it just won't get ranked... I remember thinking how quickly he passed over that.

I bought this. I got a bonus of 2 programs from Tony Hayes that he normally sells for $97 a piece, so I'm happy with the purchase anyway.

I think there is some merit to getting the sites put together fast, but you're are surely going to need to do more if you want them to go anywhere, and certainly part of that is to provide content that will rank. Let it pull in some ancilliary stuff like video, then keep it if it looks good.

There are lots of other things that you will want to add to the site - social sharing, syndication etc. One of the tricks here is to know what not to add - adding a latest posts widget to the wrong place can blow your siloing to hell.

As far as I can see, one of the flaws was that you could have only 1 post template in play - so all the posts are going to look the same - another reason to go in and manually edit. I also didn't get the impression that the curation part of this was very good - probably best to leave that turned off and use something else - with Panda 4 knocking I think curation will need more creativity than any automatic solution can provide.
Hey man, Thank you so much for the review. I was sorta hot and heavy to buy this... Saved my money.
Your review saved me some money. Thanks and rep added.
Glad I didn't waste money on this - thanks for the review!
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